Fabian L. Kendlbacher
Department of Chemistry/Institute of Biochemistry
c/o Department of Nanobiotechnology
BOKU University
Muthgasse 11, 2nd floor
A.1190 Vienna

Mail: fabian.kendlbacher(at)boku.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-47654-80246

Leon S.G. Thies
Department of Chemistry/Institute of Biochemistry
c/o Department of Nanobiotechnology
BOKU University
Muthgasse 11, 2nd floor
A.1190 Vienna

Mail: leon.thies(at)boku.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-47654-80058

Stephanie Walcher
Department of Chemistry/Institute of Biochemistry
c/o Department of Nanobiotechnology
BOKU University
Muthgasse 11, 2nd floor
A.1190 Vienna

Mail: stephanie.walcher(at)boku.ac.at

Jakob Ender
Department of Chemistry/Institute of Biochemistry
c/o Department of Nanobiotechnology
BOKU University
Muthgass 11, 2nd floor
A.1190 Vienna

Mail: jakob.ender(at)boku.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-47654-80246