The activities of BOKU University

in the field of Citizen Science

In general

In general

Citizen Science, in simple terms, is the involvement of citizens in scientific research and has experienced a tremendous upswing in recent years. The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) has not only been home to Citizen Science projects for many years, it is also the coordinating body of the Citizen Science Network Austria, which coordinates the platform Österreich forscht, where you can find all important information about Citizen Science in Austria.

Citizen Science at BOKU

Citizen Science has a long tradition at BOKU. In addition to individual projects from a wide range of disciplines, BOKU also includes research areas in which citizen participation has always been part of the research concept. Therefore, it was a logical step for BOKU to support the platform Österreich forscht and the Citizen Science Network Austria, which aims to promote this type of research across all institutions. Thus, BOKU acts as the initiator of an association that sees itself as logical partner for the development of research in specific fields, but also as an interface to the national and international scientific community and professional practice. BOKU sees it as a duty and a matter of course to let society, from whose services BOKU is maintained, participate in its work, and to address the societal questions in its scientific and teaching endeavours. Sustainability and the assumption of social responsibility are of great importance to BOKU. Many of the topics dealt with at BOKU are of great importance to society. It is therefore important for BOKU scientists to develop their research results as far as possible in transdisciplinary research with those affected, but in any case to make them accessible to society - be it via freely accessible publications, reports in journals or public lectures and discussions. Also the contact with media as a mediator of scientific knowledge is fostered. This self-image of the BOKU is also clear in the newly created KinderBOKU in 2008.