Citizen Science für alle – Eine Handreichung für Citizen Science Beteiligte
Involved BOKU Authors: Florian Heigl and Daniel Dörler
Institute: Institute of Zoology
Type of Publication: Report
Date of Publication: 2016
The GEWISS consortium in Germany has published a guideline on Citizen Science, in which we were allowed to collaborate. It deals with questions such as: What points do I have to take into account when planning the project? How can I do fundraising? Which form of public relations supports my research and motivates participants? In the first part, many practical tips help with the development of the project. A figure of the project milestones and a checklist complete the presentation.
In the second part, the implementation of Citizen Science in certain areas such as nature conservation, humanities or in the digital space is described and reflected. Fourteen different projects are presented through built-in "Geschichten" and share their experiences with the reader.
You can find the full text here: https://www.citizen-science.at/literatur/wegweiser