ltcs-calculator: largest thermodynamically consistent sets of elementary flux modes
Given a set of elementary flux modes (EFMs), ltcs-calculator calcualtes the largest thermodynamically consistent sets (LTCSs) of EFMs. An LTCS contains the maximum number of EFMs that can be combined to form a thermodynamically feasible flux distribution.
ltcs-calculator is a collection of (command-line) software tools written in C and perl.
ltcs-calculator is freely available under either the 2-Clause BSD License at GitHub
Matthias P. Gerstl, Christian Jungreuthmayer, Stefan Müller, and Jürgen Zanghellini. Which sets of elementary flux modes form thermodynamically feasible flux distributions? The FEBS Journal 283:1782 (2016). DOI:10.1111/febs.1370