Latest SCI publications

Knollová, I; Chytry, M; Bruelheide, H; Dullinger, S; Jandt, U; Bernhardt-Römermann, M; Biurrun, I; de Bello, F; Glaser, M; Hennekens, S; Jansen, F; Jiménez-Alfaro, B; Kadas, D; Kaplan, E; Klinkovská, K; Lenzner, B; Pauli, H; Sperandii, MG; Verheyen, K; Winkler, M; Abdaladze, O; Acic, S; Acosta, ATR; Alignier, A; Andrews, C; Arlettaz, R; Attorre, F; Axmanováa, I; Babbi, M; Baeten, L; Baran, J; Barni, E; Benito-Alonso, JL; Berg, C; Bergamini, A; Berki, I; Boch, S; Bock, B; Bode, F; Bonari, G; Boublík, K; Britton, AJ; Brunet, J; Bruzzaniti, V; Buholzer, S; Burrascano, S; Campos, JA; Carlsson, BG; Carranza, ML; Cerny, T; Charmillot, K; Chiarucci, A; Choler, P; Chytry, K; Corcket, E; Csecserits, A; Cutini, M; Czarniecka-Wiera, M; Danihelka, J; de Francesco, MC; De Frenne, P; Di Musciano, M; De Sanctis, M; Deák, B; Decocq, G; Dembicz, I; Dengler, J; Di Cecco, V; Dick, J; Diekmann, M; Dierschke, H; Dirnböck, T; Doerfler, I; Dolezal, J; Döring, U; Durak, T; Dwyer, C; Ejrnæs, R; Ermakova, I; Erschbamer, B; Fanelli, G; Fernández-Calzado, MR; Fickert, T; Fischer, A; Fischer, M; Foremnik, K; Frouz, J; García-González, R; García-Magro, D; García-Mijangos, I; Gavilán, RG; Germ, M; Ghosn, D; Gigauri, K; Gizela, J; Golob, A; Golub, V; Gómez-García, D; Gowing, D; Grytnes, JA; Güler, B; Gutiérrez-Girón, A; Haase, P; Haider, S; Hájek, M; Halassy, M; Harásek, M; Härdtle, W; Heinken, T; Hester, A; Humbert, JY; Ibáñez, R; Illa, E; Jaroszewicz, B; Jensen, K; Jentsch, A; Jirousek, M; Kalniková, V; Kanka, R; Kapfer, J; Kazakis, G; Kermavnar, J; Kesting, S; Khanina, L; Kindermann, E; Kotrík, M; Koutecky, T; Kozub, L; Kuhn, G; Kutnar, L; La Montagna, D; Lamprecht, A; Lenoir, J; Leps, J; Leuschner, C; Lorite, J; Madsen, B; Ugarte, RM; Malicki, M; Maliniemi, T; Malis, F; Maringer, A; Marrs, R; Matesanz, S; Metze, K; Meyer, S; Millett, J; Mitchell, RJ; Moeslund, JE; Moiseev, P; di Cella, UM; Mudrák, O; Müller, F; Müller, N; Naaf, T; Nagy, L; Napoleone, F; Nascimbene, J; Navrátilová, J; Ninot, JM; Niu, YJ; Normand, S; Ogaya, R; Onipchenko, V; Orczewska, A; Ortmann-Ajkai, A; Pakeman, RJ; Pardo, I; Pätsch, R; Peet, RK; Penuelas, J; Peppler-Lisbach, C; Pérez-Hernández, J; Pérez-Haase, A; Petraglia, A; Petrík, P; Pielech, R; Piórkowski, H; Pladevall-Izard, E; Poschlod, P; Prach, K; Praleskouskaya, S; Prokhorov, V; Provoost, S; Puscas, M; Pustková, S; Randin, CF; Rasomavicius, V; Reczynska, K; Rédei, T; Rehounková, K; Richner, N; Risch, AC; Rixen, C; Rosbakh, S; Roscher, C; Rosenthal, G; Rossi, G; Rötzer, H; Roux, C; Rumpf, SB; Ruprecht, E; Rusina, S; Sanz-Zubizarreta, I; Schindler, M; Schmidt, W; Schories, D; Schrautzer, J; Schubert, H; Schuetz, M; Schwabe, A; Schwaiger, H; Schwartze, P; Sebesta, J; Seiler, H; Silc, U; Silva, V; Smilauer, P; Smilauerová, M; Sperle, T; Stachurska-Swakon, A; Stanik, N; Stanisci, A; Steffen, K; Storm, C; Stroh, HG; Sugorkina, N; Swierkosz, K; Swierszcz, S; Szymura, M; Teleki, B; Thébaud, G; Theurillat, JP; Tichy, L; Treier, UA; Turtureanu, PD; Ujházy, K; Ujházyová, M; Ursu, TM; Uzieblo, AK; Valkó, O; Van Calster, H; Van Meerbeek, K; Vandevoorde, B; Vandvik, V; Varricchione, M; Vassilev, K; Villar, L; Virtanen, R; Vittoz, P; Voigt, W; von Hessberg, A; von Oheimb, G; Wagner, E; Walther, GR; Wellstein, C; Wesche, K; Wilhelm, M; Willner, W; Wipf, S; Wittig, B; Wohlgemuth, T; Woodcock, BA; Wulf, M; Essl, F
(2024): ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe

Latest Projects

Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2024-06-01 - 2026-01-31

The loss of biodiversity has a negative impact at all levels - taxonomic diversity, genetic diversity - which has a holistic effect on the functionality of ecosystems. To counteract this trend, botanical gardens are successfully implementing in situ conservation measures and ex situ conservation measures. In this project, the botanical gardens of the University of Innsbruck, the Carinthian State Museum, the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and the University of Vienna are implementing measures to protect endangered plant species. After selecting the target species on the basis of depulsa's endangerment criteria (RL category: Critically Endangered CR, Endangered EN, Vulnerable VU and Early Warning NT) and selecting target areas for reintroduction, the seeds of the target species are collected in accordance with ENSCONET guidelines. Reintroduction will take place after one to two years by sowing or planting young plants. Monitoring of the areas will continue beyond the project period in order to document their long-term establishment. The project team is also applying for additional funding for the Botanic Gardens' permanent staff for horticultural consumables, external support staff for seed collection and planting, as well as travel expenses for seed collection, site preparation and planting. To exchange experiences and strengthen synergies, the project team meets at the Botanical Garden Innsbruck at the beginning of the project and at the Botanical Garden of the University of Vienna at the end of the project. The information gained on cultivation requirements and reintroduction successes is entered into the publicly accessible database of the Association of Botanic Gardens' Conservation Cultures Working Group. The transfer of knowledge will be coordinated centrally and will form part of the public relations work via the project team's established channels (guided tours, exhibitions, social media). The project team has a wealth of experience that it can draw on for the successful realization of the project.
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2024-01-01 - 2025-12-31

The random fluctuation of allele frequencies (genetic drift) can have a significant impact on evolution in small and fragmented populations and lead to an extinction vortex, a feedback loop between reduced population size, loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding. Since dry meadows and pastures in Austria are among the most species-rich habitats, but also among the most endangered due to changes in land use, we selected 14 rare "steppe plants" with occurrences in the Pannonian and partly also in the Alpine region for the survey of the state of genetic diversity: Artemisia pancicii; Astragalus exscapus; Crambe tataria; Dianthus serotinus; Dracocephalum austriacum; Iris humilis subsp. arenaria; Adonis vernalis; Phlomoides tuberosa; Carex supina; Linum flavum; Onobrychis arenaria; Oxytropis pilosa; Stipa capillata; and Pulsatilla grandis, P. oenipontana and P. vulgaris (species group). For the molecular genetic characterization of the populations and for a corresponding (long-term) comparison of genetic diversity (heterozygosity, gene flow, inbreeding), the occurrences are to be genotyped using RADseq. We expect that the data will provide valuable information for assessing the conservation status of the species themselves, but also of the habitats in which they occur. The data can be valuable as a basis for conservation decisions. For example, it can be used to assess which protected areas are characterized by high or low genetic diversity, what connections exist between protected areas or what contribution species conservation projects make to the preservation of genetic diversity. The project supports Austria's efforts as a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity to establish a national system for monitoring the status and development of biodiversity and its components by collecting data for indicator S.3.1 (status of genetic diversity of wild species) throughout Austria using a standardized design.
Research project (§ 26 & § 27)
Duration : 2023-06-01 - 2026-05-31

The research in plant physiology and anatomy of woody plants has focused mainly on the wood of stems, primary roots, and leaves, while the bark has received far less attention until now. Small pores in the outer bark, called lenticels, allow continuous gas exchange between the atmosphere and the underlying living tissues of the bark and wood. One important aspect of the bark is the multi-functional role it plays in the carbon budget of the entire plant. Immediately beneath the dead outer bark lies a “green sleeve” of living cells that surrounds the stem and contains abundant chloroplasts. The main function of this green sleeve is thought to be related to the refixation of respiratory carbon dioxide, but it may also serve other functions vital to the tree's survival, such as supplying oxygen, maintaining water transport, defending against pathogens, and healing mechanical injuries. As trunks age, rhytidome formation reduces the light penetration through the outer bark, making the inner bark incapable of photosynthesis. This represents a trade-off between the protective function of the outer bark and the physiological function of the underlying living tissues. Objectives: The main objective is to investigate the multi-functionality of the living green layers of the bark in terms of: carbon balance, plant hydraulics, gas exchange, light transmission, and biomechanical functions. The project aims to establish a new research discipline called "phytodermatology" that incorporates functional, structural, and physiological approaches to the study of bark in order to fill gaps in our current knowledge. Approach: Histological and physiological studies will be conducted on ten different tree species that differ in bark structure, lenticel type, and bark and wood anatomy, with the aim of determining the net carbon gain of the whole plant, the distribution of the green sleeve within and between species, and the photosynthetic capacity of the bark. Originality and innovation: the role of the green sleeve in carbon balance, oxygenation, and hydraulics of woody plants remains largely unexplored. Combining classical methods of anatomy with state-of-the-art technologies such as microCT to measure structural changes in lenticels, chlorophyll fluorescence techniques to measure light transmission, 13C labeling, and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) to track the various carbon fluxes in the stem should allow us to gain new insights into bark structure and function.

Supervised Theses and Dissertations