
Doctoral education at BOKU equips doctoral candidates with a broad range of knowledge and skills for employment as researchers or as experts outside academia. The main focus of the doctoral degree is on research. The doctoral dissertation is the product of extensive and independent research and presents an original contribution to knowledge in a given research field. The thesis proofs that you are capable of solving a scientific problem and to integrate new results into the current state of knowledge.

General information about the doctorate at BOKU (e.g. research fields; admission requirements; structure of doctoral studies...)

Doctoral Studies offered at BOKU (Doctorate; Doctoral Schools; PhD programs)

Step-by-Step through your doctorate at BOKU 

Training and Events for Doctoral Candidates

Useful Links to service and support units


The BOKU DocService acts as a coordination and service unit for both doctoral candidates and University staff involved in doctoral training. It aims in continuously improvement of doctoral education by encouraging interdisciplinary and internationally orientated doctoral training. As a member of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education BOKU aims in developing modern and state-of-the art doctoral education following the "Seven Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training" published by the European Union:

  • Research Excellence
  • Attractive Institutional Environment
  • Interdisciplinary Research Capacity
  • Exposure to non-academic employment sectors
  • International networking
  • Transferable skills training
  • Quality Assurance

What we do

The main tasks of the DocService include:

  • Acting as central service and support unit for all doctoral candidates
  • Supporting the creation of interdisciplinary BOKU Doctoral Schools
  • Offering administrative support for BOKU Doctoral Schools
  • Planning and conducting of trainings in transferable skills
  • Advising the University staff in the development of support structures for all doctoral research projects

What we don't do

The DocService does not replace the tasks of the Study services. In case of doctoral studies this includes admission to doctoral studies and all other study-related things like: Enrolment as doctoral student; Registration of the doctoral project; Approval of courses; Submission of dissertation; Organisation of the defense ...