General information
Fields of Doctoral Research at BOKU
BOKU has defined six fields of competences where doctoral studies can be performed:
The six fields of competences of BOKU | |
Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity | Agricultural Production and Food |
Renewable Raw Materials and New Technologies | Biotechnology |
Landscape, Water, Habitat and Infrastructure | Resources and social dynamics |
Admission requirements
- Completion of a subject-related diploma or master’s program at a recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution. As a general rule your previous studies should have comprised a study load of (or equivalent to) 300 ECTS.
- A supervisor at BOKU
- For BOKU Doctoral Schools/PhD programs in addition the admission to the respective doctoral program is necessary.
For full information and download of forms please refer to the website of the Study Services of BOKU:
- Domestic educational background >>>>
- International educational background >>>>
Duration of Doctoral Studies
6 semesters - 180 ECTS
Structure of Doctoral Studies
In general, a doctoral degree consists of a doctoral dissertation and taught courses that support the research work and train in transferable skills to prepare for professional life.
The structure of doctoral studies at a glance:

For more detailed information please refer to the Step-by-Step Guide.
Language of Instruction
For doctoral studies at BOKU the language of instruction can be German or English.
In Doctoral Schools/PhD programs the language of instruction is English.
Academic degree
At BOKU three different types of doctorates can be obtained, your final academic degree will depend on your research area and/or the type of doctoral studies you have chosen:
- Doctor of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (“Doktor der Bodenkultur”/ "Doktorin der Bodenkultur”), in Latin "Doctor rerum naturalium technicarum" (abbreviated as "Dr.nat.techn.").
- Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences ("Doktor der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften"/"Doktorin der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften“), in Latin "Doctor rerum socialium oeconomicarumque" (abbreviated as "Dr.rer.soc.oec.").
- Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviated as "PhD")