Doctoral Studies
BOKU offers doctoral studies in all fields of competences (research focus areas) of BOKU. Doctoral studies can also be pursued in the framework of BOKU Doctoral Schools/PhD programs. The main focus is still the research work/dissertation. However, students are part of a Doctoral School/PhD program and defined courses and exchange with other doctoral candidates complete their doctoral studies. The Doctoral Schools/PhD programs focus on specific research areas and have individual rules for admission, training and graduation. The doctoral project needs to fit in the frame of a Doctoral School/PhD program and the main supervisor must be part of the Faculty of the Doctoral School/PhD program.
Doctoral Schools
- Advanced Biorefineries: Chemistry and Materials (ABC & M)
- AgriGenomics
- Biomaterials and Biointerfaces (BioMatInt)
- Bioprocess Engineering (BioproEng)
- Build like Nature: Resilient Buildings, Materials and Society (Build.Nature)
- Hazards and Risks in Alpine Regions under Global Change (HADRIAN)
- Human River Systems in the 21st century (HR21)
- Social Ecology (DSSE)
- Transitions to Sustainability (T2S)