Doctoral studies of Social and Economic Sciences

Academic degree 

Doctor of Social and Economic Sciences ("Doktor der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften/Doktorin der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften"), in Latin Doctor rerum socialium oeconomicarumque (abbreviated as "Dr.rer.soc.oec.").

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Doctoral studies of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Academic degree

Doctor of Natural Resources and Life Sciences ("Doktor der Bodenkultur/ Doktorin der Bodenkultur"), in Latin Doctor  rerum  naturalium technicarum (abbreviated as "Dr.nat.techn.")

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The doctoral studies of BOKU are intended as preparation for independent scientific work and training for young scientists working in the research areas of Natural Resources and Life Sciences or in the areas of social and economic sciences that relate to natural resources and life sciences.

Admission requirements

  • Completion of a subject-related diploma or master’s program at a recognized Austrian or foreign post-secondary educational institution. As a general rule your previous studies should have comprised a study load of (or equivalent to) 300 ECTS.
  • A supervisor at BOKU

Duration of Doctoral Studies 6 semesters - 180 ECTS

Language of Instruction German or English