List of ongoing doctoral research projects sorted by department: 

Department of Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards

Mountain Glacier Sensitivity in the Eastern Alps. Response of glacierized areas to climate change in the past and present and implications for the future.

Project assigned to: Sandra Braumann
Supervisor: Markus Fiebig

Department of Economics and Social Sciences

Consumer Sufficiency as a Pathway to Climate Change Mitigation 

Project assigned to: Charlotte Baar 
Supervisor: Petra Riefler

Drivers and aspects of agricultural sustainability  

Project assigned to: Theresa Eichhorn 
Supervisor: Jochen Kantelhardt

Individual-level Environmental Sustainability – Integrating Perspectives and Concepts across Research Fields

Project assigned to: Laura Maria Wallnöfer
Supervisor: Petra Riefler

Motivation for Sustainable Development: Crowdsourcing for Grand Challenges

Project assigned to: Caroline Kunesch 
Supervisor: Petra Riefler

Nurturing proximity for sustainable and democratic urban food systems?

Project assigned to: Christina Gugerell
Supervisor: Marianne Penker

Project assigned to: Carmen Séra-Penker 
Supervisor: Christoph Görg 

Relational proximity in trans-continental and local alternative food networks – An analysis of relationship coffee models

Project assigned to: Hanna Edelmann
Supervisor: Marianne Penker 

The adaptation of vulnerable groups to urban heat waves in the city of Vienna

Project assigned to: Maximilian Muhr
Supervisor: Karl Hogl

The Contributions of Citizen Science to the UN Sustainable Development Goals: A Data Perspective

Project assigned to: Dilek Fraisl
Supervisor: Marianne Penker

The critical role of built infrastructure

Project assigned to: Anna-Katharina Brenner 
Supervisor: Christoph Görg 

The Framing of Sustainability in the Food supply Chain

Project assigned to: Magdalena Thur
Supervisor: Petra Riefler

The Impact of Higher Education Institutions on Regional Sustainability Transitions

Project assigned to: Ines Hinterleitner
Supervisor: Marianne Penker

Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences

Project assigned to: Sophia-Marie Rammler
Supervisor: Georg Gratzer

Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences

Biosphere Reserves as Models for Science-Society Interaction: A Systematic Review of Mountainous BRs on Global Scale

Project assigned to: Alexander Mitrofanenko
Supervisor: Katharina Gugerell 

Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing Transdisciplinarity into the Academic System of Armenia and Georgia - Case Study on Tourism

Project assigned to: Tigran Keryan
Supervisor: Andreas Muhar

Community-based tourism: sustainable development in mountain regions in the Caucasus

Project assigned to: Lela Khartishvili
Supervisor: Andreas Muhar

The role of learning and knowledge integration in adaptive governance of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (GLTFCA) in Southern Africa 

Project assigned to: Ephraim Mpofu  
Supervisor: Katharina Gugerell 

Towards climate-resilient river basins: Stakeholder engagement as a key to implement Nature-based solutions on privately owned land

Project assigned to: Marion Wallner 
Supervisor: Thomas Thaler

Transition towards Sustainable Mobility – Investigation of Relevant Factors for Sustainable Behaviour

Project assigned to: Nora Spiegel
Supervisor: Astrid Gühnemann

Travel-based multitasking and its effect on the Value of Travel Time Savings based on data from an innovative survey carried out throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

Project assigned to: Lukas Hartwig  
Supervisor: Astrid Gühnemann

Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems

Adoption of crossbreeding strategies: A transition towards sustainable utilization of local animal genetic resources?

Project assigned to: Bienvenue Lassina Zoma
Supervisor: Maria Wurzinger

Agriculture and Uneven Development: A Comparative Analysis of Varying Farming Systems in three Brazilian States 1990-2020 

Project assigned to: Sarah Lappöhn 
Supervisor: Maria Wurzinger

Animals in organic mixed livestock systems – farmer’s perception and impact on animal behaviour, health and welfare

Project assigned to: Lisa Schanz
Supervisor: Christoph Winckler

Concrete Outdoor runs for Organic Growing-Finishing Pigs: Characteristics, Effects on Animal Welfare and Environmental Impact and Potential Improvements

Project assigned to: Cäcilia Wimmler
Supervisor: Christoph Winckler

Direct and indirect traits for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in dairy cows

Project assigned to: Sarah-Joe Burn
Supervisor: Werner Zollitsch

Multi-stakeholder collaboration towards sustainable dairy business in Indonesia: A case study of smartphone application implementation 

Project assigned to: Yuni Resti 
Supervisor: Maria Wurzinger 

Protein Transition in Austria - towards a more sustainable protein consumption as a contribution to achieve SDG2 

Project assigned to: Laura Hundscheid 
Supervisors: Maria Wurzinger, Andreas Melcher and Astrid Gühnemann 

Sustainability performance of the dairy sector: A multidimensional assessment 

Project assigned to: Rita Pacarada 
Supervisor: Werner Zollitsch 

Sustainable pig production systems - Investigation of synergies and trade-offs between animal welfare and environmental impacts

Project assigned to: Antonia Katharina Ruckli
Supervisor: Christoph Winckler

Understanding social innovations in agricultural and rural areas from a feminist perspective

Project assigned to: Charlotte Voigt
Supervisor: Stefanie Lemke

What drives the fruit choice and fruit intake of women in different food environments in Kenya?

Project assigned to: Barbara Stadlmayr
Supervisors: Maria Wurzinger

Women and youth empowerment in smallholder farming systems: evidence from community-based livestock breeding programmes in Burkina Faso applying intersectionality

Project assigned to: Inès Fabienne Rouamba
Supervisors: Stefanie Lemke

Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)

Long-term financing of nature-based solutions for urban water treatment

Project assigned to: Maria Wirth
Supervisor: Günter Langergraber and Petra Riefler

The potential of decentralized community-based resource management for the transition to a circular economy

Project assigned to: Tamara Vobruba 
Supervisor: Günter Langergraber and Marion Huber-Humer 

The Role of Final Sinks in the Circular Economy – moving from landfills to safe, final disposal of non-recyclable and potentially impairing materials

Project assigned to: Romana Kopecká
Supervisor: Marion Huber-Humer 

Towards sustainability in urban temporary housing: Assessment of circularity aspects, resource management and waste management

Project assigned to: Julia Zeilinger
Supervisor: Marion Huber-Humer