
At the sites of the Austrian monitoring network, regular sampling of ground and surface water has been undertaken, as well as analysis for a wide range of inorganic and organic parameters, since the early 1990s. The water quality monitoring results are published on the website of the Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt GmbH). The Centre for Analytical Chemistry of IFA-Tulln has organised regular interlaboratory comparisons for external quality assurance of water analysis on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management since 1995. This proficiency testing scheme covers a wide range of inorganic and organic parameters and any laboratory can participate. The Austrian Accreditation Body at the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth recognises participation in this proficiency testing system as proof of the analytical competence of accredited testing laboratories.

Up to now, synthetic water samples have been used as test samples, with concentrations comparable to natural waters.

Co-operation IFA-Tulln – Environment Agency Austria (Umweltbundesamt GmbH)

Since 2013, interlaboratory comparisons with natural samples (ground and/or surface water, partly spiked) have been on offer covering all parameter groups. This service is possible as a result of the cooperation between IFA-Tulln and the Umweltbundesamt GmbH’s accredited testing laboraratory for environmental, GMO & fuel analysis.

Interlaboratory comparisons with natural water samples

Registration at IFA-Tulln direct (as with the synthetic water testing schemes).

For each interlaboratory comparison, two water samples of different concentrations are dispatched by the Umweltbundesamt GmbH. The homogeneity and stability of the samples are checked as a matter of course. For this purpose, test measurements are carried out before dispatching the samples and on the closing date for result submission. Clear and anonymous test results – which are common practice with interlaboratory comparisons using synthetic water samples - will be provided swiftly also for natural water samples, including z scores and confirmation of participation.

Target values will be available on the website shortly after the closing date. All reports will be published there, too.