Research BOKU-StartDepartment of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-TullnInstitute of Biotechnology in Animal ProductionResearch This page is available under these URLs: Latest SCI publications Auer, KE; Kolbe, T; Laschalt, C; Rülicke, T (2023): Comparison of unilateral and bilateral embryo transfer in mice Schmidt, U; Uluca, B; Vokic, I; Malik, B; Kolbe, T; Lassnig, C; Holcmann, M; Moreno-Viedma, V; Robl, B; Muehlberger, C; Gotthardt, D; Sibilia, M; Ruelicke, T; Mueller, M; Csiszar, A (2023): Inducible overexpression of a FAM3C/ILEI transgene has pleiotropic effects with shortened life span, liver fibrosis and anemia in mice Kolbe, T; Lassnig, C; Poelzl, A; Palme, R; Auer, KE; Rulicke, T (2022): Effect of Different Ambient Temperatures on Reproductive Outcome and Stress Level of Lactating Females in Two Mouse Strains Latest Projects Indroduction of reproduction biotechnology in the female catle for applied animal breeding: Studies on re-transfer of in vitro produced bovine embryo for the production of embryos suitable for cryopreservation an d for the prduction of offspring Research project (§ 26 & § 27) Duration : 2001-05-23 - 2004-06-30 Huber Thomas Institute for Biotechnology in Animal Production, coordinator Supervised Theses and Dissertations Bernd Fuhrmann (2007): Microarray analysis of murine Tyk2-knockout peritoneal macrophages treated with LPS