Erasmus+ Staff Training

Erasmus+ staff trainings can take place in all EU member countries, Iceland, Norway, North Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Serbia within the frame of:

  • Short-term collaborations
  • Job shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Participation in workshops etc.

Staff training mobilities can be organized individually or in the context of Erasmus+ Staff Training Weeks or International Weeks.

Find further information about Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobilities and about application documents here.

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobilities to European BOKU partner universities for scientific staff members (current Erasmus+ Bilateral Agreement between BOKU and partner university is required).

At least 8 teaching hours per week/stay at partner university are required (in the context of lectures, seminars, excursions, laboratories, ...).

If a teaching activity is combined with a staff training, at least 4 hours per week/stay are required. If you plan to stay longer than one week (7 days), you need to teach more hours.

Further information about Erasmus+ teaching mobilities and application documents can be found here.

Further information


The period of mobility must be for a minimum of 2 days and can be for a maximum of 12 days.

Funding amount

Please calculate yourself what the possible maximum amount of funding is. You find further information on the funding amount on the respective websites.

Make sure you also check how much funding is still available with the BOKU-International Relations (BOKU-IR). You are not automatically entitled to funding. Please also read the information on travelling on behalf of BOKU that you will find here.

Please contact Nicolas Fries on time to organise funding for your travels. Funding is allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.


Find further information for persons with special needs here

You find information about data processing here.

Please read the BOKU emergency checklist prior your departure and order your BOKU emergency card for business trips.

In case of an approved business trip abroad, please note that the BOKU travel insurance does not cover corona cases and therefore an appropriate additional insurance is required.


Nicolas Fries, M.A.
BOKU-International Relations
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82a
1190 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 47654-32002
E-mail: nicolas.fries(at)

Follow us on Facebook "BOKU Exchange".

*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.