Erasmus staff mobility guidelines - Apply now!

As of July 1, 2024, the following requirements for staff mobility will apply:

  • Stays are eligible up to 5 days (+2 travel days)
  • Only one mobility per person per project year

If you are interested in an E+ staff mobility, please contact us now for further details!


Within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme there is also the opportunity for administrative staff and those working within the scientific departments at BOKU to attend further training at a European partner university or at a company/institution (arranged by the participants). You either need to be employed as a regular member of staff at BOKU or hold a teaching position. Staff members also have the opportunity to attend an International Week organised by partner institutions. The aim of this mobility is to acquire knowledge, skills and practical experience, which are important for staff members’ current positions and professional careers. Examples of this are:

  • Short-term collaborations
  • Job shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Participation in workshops etc.


The period of mobility must be for a minimum of 2 days and can be for a maximum of 12 days.

Funding amount

Please use this guide to estimate the maximum support grant that you would be entitled to:

Max. amount of funding for the funding periods 2022/23

It is possible to obtain a top-up for environmentally friendly travel. The amount depends on the distance traveled and can be found in the document above.

You will get refunded the maximum support grant of the respective funding period for your mobility (lump sum). This maximum amount will be declared in your Grant Agreement and consists of the maximum allowed subsistence expenses per day as well as of the maximum grant for your travel expenses. It's important to clarify with the BOKU-International Relations (BOKU-IR) how much funding is available before you plan your mobility. You are not automatically entitled to funding. Please also read through the information on business trips.

Please contact Nicolas Fries on time to organise funding for your travels. Funding is allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

It is essential that you retain your original boarding passes (or train tickets) to be eligible for a refund!

Before your mobility

Application documents:

  • Erasmus+ Contract (Grant Agreement) with BOKU (original by internal post or by email)*
  • Mobility Agreement for Training with the partner or receiving organisation (scan sufficient)*
  • Document granting the participant permission to travel ("Dienstreiseauftrag"), signed by the participant’s manager or head of department*
    You will receive the Erasmus documents for your mobility (grant agreement, mobility agreement, confirmation of stay) directly from BOKU-IR after a mail request.

*subject to approval by BOKU-International Relations before starting the mobility!

  • A1-Certificate (please send it directly to the Personnel Management: before starting the mobility). For further information, please click here. The English version can be found here (only for your information; please submit the German version!
  • Please print and take with your confirmation of stay, so you can be registered at your receiving institution upon arrival

Please consult the BOKU Emergency Checklist before your stay abroad and apply for the BOKU Emergency Card for your business trip in good time!

Information about data protection and the use of personal data can be found here.

After your mobility

The following documents are subject to approval by BOKU-International Relations (BOKU-IR) after the end of the mobility:

  • Business trip receipts (Please hand in the Business Trip Abroad form ("Dienstreiserechnung") OR in exceptional cases the form ‘Grants for Travel Costs,’ with supporting information
  • Original receipts (including boarding passes/ train tickets, receipts for accommodation, etc.) attached to other business trip receipts. Regarding the payment modalities of EU lump sums we are referring to the FAQ page of BOKU Personnel Management.
  • Confirmation of stay (signed and stamped original), find the template here
  • Online report for the EU/ EU online survey – the link will be sent by email after all completed documents have been approved. If your Staff Mobility was related to training in pedagogical and/or curriculum design skills, please indicate this in the EU Survey. Thank you very much!

Information for people with special requirements can be found here. There is the possibility of extra support.


Contact person
Nicolas Fries
BOKU-International Relations (BOKU-IR)
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82a
1190 Wien
Phone: +43 1 47654-32012
E-Mail: nicolas.fries(at)

*The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.