From 2025/26 a study start at the University of Copenhagen is not possible anymore.
Instead, you can choose Wageningen University as home university.

New central application procedure for the study year 2025/26:*

If you choose to start your studies at BOKU, UHOH or WU, all applications, must be submitted through the UHOH application portal "HohCampus." 

Please find a list of documents required for the application at UHOH application portal "HohCampus." Your documents will then be forwarded to the chosen home and host universities, where the formal admission process will be carried out. Students who will start at BOKU, will be asked to send a passport and a filled in BOKU application form once they are accepted. 

If you want to start your studies at BOKU and are not sure yet, which partner university to choose, please check the information on the partner universities and courses at In addition, maybe the BOKU Erasmus student reports might be helpful: (choose Dänemark, Deutschland or Schweden, the resp. Enveuro partner university and the correct study programme).

 New application deadlines for the study year 2025/26:

  • For EU applicants: 15 April (Application period starts middle of January)
  • For non-EU applicants: 15 January (Application period starts middle of November) 

    Study start at BOKU: The final bachelor's degree certificate and final transcripts can be submitted until 15 July (EU applicants) respectively 15 March (Non-EU applicants). The proof of English proficiency can be submitted by 15 June (EU applicants) respectively 15 March (Non-EU applicants).

* preliminary information subject to the final publication of the Enveuro Curriculum 25

Enveuro Admission Requirements for the study year 2025/26

  • Bachelor in Natural Science
    Applicants should have a first university degree equivalent to a European bachelor degree in Natural Science with documented completion of courses comprising natural resources/earth sciences/environmental sciences and at least two of the disciplines: physics/chemistry, biology/ecology, mathematics/statistics. 
    The degree must be obtained at an institution which is officially acknowledged by the countries of home and host university. The final grade has to be above average as defined by the home and host university. 

  • English language requirements 

    1. Nationals of the following countries are exempt from submitting a language test: UK, Republic of Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zeeland, USA. 

    2. Applicants holding a first degree in English completed in either the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland or Australia.

    3. Applicants who do not fulfil the criteria of points 1. and 2. above, or applicants with English as their second language must pass an IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge Advanced English test before being admitted. The following tests and scores are accepted:

    • IELTS: min. score 7,0 (no section under 5.5, min 6.0 for speaking)
    • TOEFL iBT: min. score 92 (min 23 for speaking), min 20 in writing)
    • Cambridge Advanced: C or better (C1)

      Language tests older than 2 years are not accepted (from the application deadline).

      Please note, that a language proficiency certificate from your university is not sufficient! Even if you have studied in English during your entire university career (e.g. in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, India, …) we need the result of an official English test.

Application for BOKU as your host university