The Individual Course Plan (ICP) is a compilation of the positively passed courses according to the curriculum during the whole master's programme (incl. Master's thesis seminar and courses at the partner universities), which are needed for the graduation at BOKU. It is not a Transcript of Records of all courses and should be oriented very closely towards 120 ECTS. The ICP can already be used as a guideline during the studies.



For double degree students from Humboldt University of Berlin:


Please fill in the elective courses according to your transcript and the course correspondence table. If you have questions regarding the topic areas or need any assistance, please contact the IMaHS administrative coordinator at BOKU-IR.

What to do?

  1. Fill in the general information fields (marked in red).
  2. Enter all courses (incl. course ID) you are taking/have taken in the correct topic area and add the ECTS in the correct column.
  3. Make sure the ECTS sum is calculated correctly and the ECTS requirements for each topic area is fulfilled.
  4. Please only choose the courses that are necessary to reach the minimum required amount of ECTS. Additional courses must not be listed in the Individual Course Plan. They will be shown in your transcript of records, but not in your graduation documents.
  5. In case you have been admitted to BOKU with respective conditions up to 30 ECTS in addition to your regular study programme, the completion of these additional courses will be checked when you submit your ICP.
  6. Send the draft version (excel-sheet) to the IMaHS administrative coordinator together with the following documents:
    • BOKU-Home: Copy of BOKU admission letter + transcript of records from partner university
    • BOKU-Host: Transcript of records from home university
  7. You will receive feedback on the ICP and receive the signed version back once it is correct.

BOKU-Home students

A pre-check of the ICP one semester before your planned defense is highly recommended! 

The final and fully signed ICP must be submitted to the Graduation Office (Study Services) together with the other graduation documents to receive a BOKU degree (at least 3 weeks before your defense!).


BOKU-Host students (double degree)

Please submit your ICP and your Transcript of Records from your home university to the IMaHS administrative coordinator before your graduation for a pre-check and for collecting the necessary signatures.

You also have to enter all courses done at your home university (not BOKU) in your BOKUonline account (one data sheet per course) (info-guide accreditation/recognition).

You will need to submit the fully signed ICP in order to receive your BOKU graduation documents (see Graduation)