In order to graduate from your Master's Programme you must have positively completed all the courses according to your curriculum ("Studienplan") as well as the positively graded Master's thesis and defense.

BOKU-Home students

Master's thesis

You have to register your Master's thesis as soon as soon as the task and the supervisors have been fixed and you start working on it.

It is mandatory to have a supervisor from BOKU and a co-supervisor from another IMaHS partner university.

More information on Master's theses at BOKU


Complete your Individual Course Plan (ICP) one semester before your planned graduation and submit it to the administrative coordinator at BOKU-International Relations (Contact) together with the Transcript of Records from your host university. Once it is approved (with all signatures), you have to submit both documents to Study services (studienservices(at) for the mandatory offical pre-check.

Before you have your documents checked, you have to enter all courses done at the partner university (not BOKU) in your BOKUonline account (one data sheet per course): (info-guide accreditation/recognition). This is only relevant if your courses have not already been entered into BOKUonline via the Erasmus+ or CEEPUS recognition.


The Master's thesis defense at BOKU is a presentation and defense of your Master's thesis. You have to organise a date for the defense with two university teachers (professors /"habilitated") - one of them being your BOKU thesis supervisor. The chair for the defense will be appointed by the Study services and has to be a member of a different department than the thesis supervisor. Students have the possibility to suggest a chair.

The co-supervisor from the host university can take part in the defense via video-conference or can be physically present.

The defense registration together with all necessary documents has to be submitted to BOKU Study Services at least three weeks in advance. The three-week period begins from the date of the application, providing all necessary documents are available and all legal requirements are met.


Please also see details on Graduation from international Master's degree programmes