BOKU's Partner Institutions

This site provides an overview on BOKU’s current co-operation agreements. The following website lists the different types of co-operation agreements as well as guidelines for starting the process to sign new agreements.

  1. University-wide co-operation agreements: see Mobility Online - please choose the requested country in the “country”-dropdown-list, and then click on the button “show relevant Institutions in Detail“ to see all BOKU-Partners in this country.
  2. List of BOKU’s bilateral ERASMUS-Agreements: see Mobility Online
  3. Co-operation agreements with CGIAR: ICRISAT, ILRI and ICRAF
  4. Here you'll find various on BOKU and its international partners. (July 2021)
  5. List of partner universities according to BOKU's competence areas

Information for Partner Institutions

BOKU  welcomes every year many exchange students from diverse countries. An overview and information on exchange programmes and scholarship offers at BOKU is summarized on our website for partner institutions.