For all languages other than English we kindly ask you to assess your language level yourself, taking into consideration the description of the courses in BokuOnline, which also provide the level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

For the assessment of your English skills you should complete the Entrance Test that you find on the e-Learning platform Moodle under the course title "English_Entrance_Test_2024W" once it is active. You have to be logged in to see the test.

If you have already taken an English course with us, please register for the next level.

The English entrance test for courses during the winter semester 2024 will be available from September 17th, 2024.

Important! Do not forget to save every section of the test, otherwise you will not reach any points in this section.

Please then register for the course level suited to you according to the test result.

In case you have already successfully completed an English course at  BOKU, you do not need to take the test again, but register for the next level.


To take the test, please

  1. click on English_Entrance_Test_2024W
  2. and log into BOKUlearn
  3. Read the instructions carefully and take the test (please note there is a time limit, once you open the answer sheet of each of the three parts of the test)