Registration for BOKU students
Free places in Language Courses
As there are still free places in some of the language courses, you have the opportunity to register for them until March 4th.
There are places available in the following courses:
- German Conversation III - Intermediate*
- German for Science (BOKU specific topics) - Course B (B2+)* (free for Erasmus+ students)
- English III (B2)
- English IV (B2+)*
- French II (A1+)
- French IV (B1)*
- Italian II (A1+)
- Italian IV (B1)*
- Croatian II (A1+)
- Russian II (A1+)*
- Russian IV (B1)*
- Spanish II (A1+)
- Spanish IV (B1)
*Minimum number of participants not reached yet.
For registration, please send an e-mail with the course name, course level, first name, family name and student number to
Registration deadlines for language courses in the summer semeter 2025
Full Degree students at BOKU are able to register for language classes in BOKUonline. After successful registration in BOKUonline, please transfer the course fee within three days. If you are on the waiting list, please only pay the fee after having received a place in class.
Registration period
31 January - 24 February 2025 via BokuOnline.
Please note that you have to take the English entrance test before registering in BOKU-Online. Registrations without the entrance-test are automatically cancelled. Please find details here.
Courses start in the week beginning on 10th March 2025
ATTENTION: cancellation policy!
A cancellation and refunding of the course fee is only possible until two days after the course has started. Example: course starts on Monday -> cancellation is possible until Wednesday 11:59 p.m.
After your successful registration in BOKUOnline (assignment to fixed place), please transfer the course fee to:
Recipient: BOKU-International Relations
IBAN: AT843200001000500512
Reference: [language course + level] [name of the ACTUAL course participant]
To guarantee that your money transfer can be assigned to your registration, make sure to provide the whole information as reference of the transaction, for example: English 3 Donald Dummy
ATTENTION: payments without the name of the actual participant as reference can not be assigned in our system and will not be counted!!! Please make sure you provide the name of the actual participant and the course title in the reference, even if somebody else transfers the money for him/her.
The money has to be transferred within 3 workdays after having been assigned a fixed place. In case we do not receive the course fee, your registration will be cancelled and you lose your fixed place. Your registration is only valid after successful payment.
For the fee see: General Information
We do not accept AK Bildungsgutscheine!
Cancellation and refund
The cancellation of the registration with the refund of the course fee is only possible until two days after the course has started. For example: the course starts on monday -> cancellation is possible until Wednesday 11:59 pm. During the canellation period you will be able to deregister in BOKUonline. After cancelling your registration in BOKUonline, please send an email to sprachkurse(at) containing your name, the course name and your IBAN to reclaim your course fee.