Registration for BOKU staff

Our language courses are prioritised for students, but employees can also take advantage of remaining places on the courses after the registration deadline. We keep a staff waiting list before the start of each semester. If you would like to be added to the staff waiting list, please send an email to with the following information:

- Language course (+group)

- First name Last name

- Institute/Department

- Private payment or intercompany billing

Start of language course: 2nd week of the semester

Please note that all course units take place in presence. You can find more detailed information in the course times on BOKUonline.



130€ Semester language courses

250€ German intensive courses



ATTENTION changed cancellation period!

Cancellation with refund of the course fee is possible up to 2 days after the start of the course (= first unit held).

Example: Course starts on Monday -> cancellation by Wednesday 23:59 at the latest