News Archiv

Let this semester begin!

A night at Rosalia

Prof. Kromoser talks about sustainable construction on EXPERTENTIPP

Winner building construction project
Congratulations to this year's winners!

Visiting Baumit
Sustainable Design and Construction goes on a field trip!

Phd work
What do our Phds actually do all day?

Fotoshooting in GE
Have you seen us in the new video from BOKU University?

Fischer Baubot
Automated drilling with the Fischer Baubot in the Koralm Tunnel

Happy New Year!
We wish everyone a wonderful start into the new year!

DIC for shear tests
Non-contact optical measurement method used for shear tests of wood

Digital Concrete Conference

Large scale experiments
New TCC specimens have arrived!

Build.Nature retreat

IHB at the Baukongress
Prof. Kromoser talked about concrete construction of the future

What happens before the large scale tests begin?

Robot Accuracy Mapping
idgital "treasure map" for our ABB IRB 7600

Dowel testing
Wooden dowels - how strong are they really?

Circular Vienna
Circular economy is a great opportunity to contribute to increasing sustainable resource use.

Register now!
Registration for our Digital Design and Automated Construction course is now open!

Green Civil Engineering
New Master's Programme Green Building Engineering

Construction! Construction!
Research finding its way into practice!

Welcome BRUNO!
Out very own Baubot BRUNO has arrived!

Milling 4 BOKU4you
Custom business card board fort he new office

Showing of our robot
ÖBB and Asfinag visit our robot laboratory in Groß Enzersdorf

Long-term testing
How is the long-term behaviour of non-metallic reinforcement?

Earthly potential
Rediscovering rammed earth

Sustainable Design and Construction
First semester in English!

PRESENTS for the Institute!
Look what we got! A new testing maschine! We are so excited!

27. Holzbau-Forum
We went to the 27. Holzbau-Forum and it was a blast!

Group Project! DocSchool BUILD.NATURE
The bike stand designed and produced by the phd students of the Doctoral School BUILD.NATURE is made of biobased and fully reuse- or recyclable materials.

Hochbau Project 2023
The winners of the course Building Design and Planning (Hochbauprojekt) @BOKU have been chosen!

3D printing formwork elements
Using 3D printed elements as formwork in order to shutter individual voids within structurally optimised concrete girders has worked well in previous projects.

First large-scale tests in the Unistrand Project
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) is a cornerstone material in structural panel design. Understanding its mechanical properties is crucial for accurate design and modeling.

1 Year of IHB – Success in figures
IHB is celebrating its first anniversary and can look back on a year full of successes.

Project: Textile reinforced concrete
Field trip to Augsburg: 10th April - 16th April 2023
Online Sessions from 17th April to 30th of June

FFG Project „Prefab.Facade“
The Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich is cooperating with Prof. Kromoser and the Institute of Green Civil Engineering and Dr. Jörg Koppelhuber in order to increase the performance of recyclable and mass-produced façade elements

We took the word teambuilding literally and built different things in teams this year. From milled stools to the department logo to small rammed walls. One team was also responsible for the food and it was delicious!

First successes in the Unistrand project
A big thank you goes out to Dieffenbacher and Swiss Krono for their support in the Unistrand project.

Façade 4.0
In the project Prefab.Facade we collaborate with an interdisciplinary consortium to advance the thermal refurbishment of buildings.

Bamboo in construction – Let’s use the fastest growing plant on earth!
We are currently investigating the use of fresh bamboo fibres for the production of structural panels.

Congratulations to Dr. Nadine Preßmair
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Nadine Preßmair on completing her doctorate and wish her every success in the future!

Laserscanning at IHB – New terrestrial laser scanner at the Institute
The IHB acquired a state-of-the-art Leica RCT360 terrestrial laser scanner!

Mass timber "definitely not the right way to go"
Interview with Prof. Benjamin Kromoser in the Dezeen's Timber Revolution series.

Current open job advertisements
Current job vacancies at the Institut for Green Civil Engineering

Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas - we celebrated with Sectret Santa at our office Christmas Party!

Welcome back!
We are happy to welcome all new students and old students back!

Resource-efficient reinforced concrete beams!
Experimental tests to discover new ways to optimise reinforced concrete beams.

Is FRP truely resource efficient?
We assessed the ecological footprinkt of fibre reinforced polymere reinforcement.

Going international – IHB at the fib Symposium
Five of our researchers travelled to Istanbul in June for the fib Symposium.

3DP Biowalls proposal accepted!
The completely new approach for the production of fully recyclable walls made from renewable materials by means of additive manufacturing (3D printing) with a very high ecological and economic potential

Digital production of highly efficient wood-wood connections
Currently, laminated timber is widely used beside classic sawn timber. The gluing allows for higher part length and involves an advantageous behavior regarding deformations due to shrinkage and lead to better, more regular mechanical properties. The drawback is a low material utilization factor. Starting from a tree trunk, only 25-30 % are part of the final product. Thus, the high-quality product has to be used as efficient as possible.