The EU-Horizon Project Land4Climate aims to deploy and demonstrate the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) on private land. NBS are measures, that are inspired by nature or natural processes. They promise to improve the resilience of landscapes to extreme hydrometeorological events such as floods, droughts and urban heat. However, the implementation of NBS is still in its infancy - especially as these measures require a fair amount of land that is often privately owned.
LAND4CLIMATE thus designs and evaluates NBS on private land by implementing and scaling up innovative land policy strategies in six frontrunning regions in the continental biogeographical region of Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Slovakia. Lessons learnt will be conveyed to replicating regions in the six countries. By doing so, Land4Climate fosters mainstreaming of NBS across the EU.
The Project brings together a consortium of five universities, six authorities at the local, regional, and state levels as well as NGOs, representatives of national parks and actors in community development and urban planning.
You can find more information and research results on the project homepage.

Project duration:
09/2023 – 08/2027
Project coordination:
Priv. Doz. MMag. Thomas Thaler, Ph.D. (Deputy Head of Institute of Landscape Planning, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
This project is funded by the European Union under the European Horizon Programme (HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01-06).