Cooperating with national and international partners is a key component in all areas of expertise at IRUB. In scholarly debate on spatially relevant topics the institute cooperates with university institutions and independent research institutions in Austria and abroad. Our networking focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of knowledge with other research fields. Our cooperation with public institutions, such as specialist departments of the federal government and provinces, municipalities as well as members of the private sector highlight the application-oriented approach and the societal relevance of the institute’s research.
Numerous institutes and working groups – currently 26 institutes/workings groups from 12 departments – of the BOKU are doing research in the field of energy. The BOKU-Energycluster represents a platform across institutes enabling communication and better networking. It aims to foster cooperation in teaching and continuing education as well as in research. In addition the BOKU-Energy Cluster functions as central contact point for external inquiries concerning the topic of energy research at the BOKU.
CE-Spaces4All – Accessible Spaces for All – Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe
IRUB is a project partner in CE-Spaces4All - Interreg project. Accessible tourism enables people with disabilities to travel independently. However, there is often still a lack of awareness of their needs. The CE-Spaces4All project brings together public authorities, the tourism sector and people with disabilities to improve governance for more accessible tourism. Partners are developing a digital tool to map barriers in rural areas and provide them with a common strategy and local action plans to better integrate accessibility issues into territorial planning.
More information about the project CE-Spaces4All – Interreg-Project
Institutionalised cross-sector PLanning and dedicated capacity building to ENable small and medium-sized municipalities to develop and monitor sustainable strategies for the Transition to clean energY
further informations: Plenty Life
COST Action “Land4Floods”
IRUB is part of the COST Action „Natural Flood Retention on Private Land“. This project, which is funded by the European Union, has a duration of four years (2017-2021) and supports the collaboration between science and practice at the interface of floodwater, land use and spatial planning. The COST Action is supervised by Lenka Slavikova (J.E.P. University Usti nad Labem, CZ) and Thomas Hartmann (Utrecht University, NL).
For further information please visit:
ISTER – ConnectIng hiSTorical Danube rEgions Roman routes
IRUB is a project partner in ISTER, a project carried out within the framework of the transnational Interreg Danube Transnational Programme. The aim of the project is to visualise and revitalise the ancient road network developed by the Romans in the Danube region. By integrating it into a common eco-cultural route, the project aims to promote regional development based on sustainable use of the cultural and natural heritage.
More information on the project ISTER - Interreg project
BOKU is part of a network of leading Universities with comparable areas of expertise in research and teaching, namely the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS). The ELLS deals with topics such as joint teaching and learning, student and staff mobility as well as quality assurance. Within the ELLS network faculties and departments of seven universities whose core competences lie in the fields of landscape- and/or spatial planning as well as landscape architecture cooperate in the so-called subject area „Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning“ (LASP). The network aims to further develop and implement education and research in these two areas of expertise.
For further information please visit the following websites: