PLENTY-Life - EU-Project

Institutionalised cross-sector PLanning and dedicated capacity building to ENable small and medium-sized municipalities to develop and monitor sustainable strategies for the Transition to clean energY
The Project
The PLENTY-LIFE project will focus on establishing an innovative methodology of stakeholder-based holistic integrated spatial and energy planning (HISEP) methodology. HISEP comprises building capacity of SMCTs in the field of integrated urban energy planning to enable them preparing and monitoring long-term sustainable energy strategies and plans tailored for their specific conditions to manage the clean energy transition and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030/2050.
Besides, it aims at Institutionalising the HISEP methodology that implies a cross-sectoral planning process -integrating energy system with other development sectors- to plan the energy transition towards and achieve sustainable and efficient carbon neutral SMCTs.
Project Objectives
- Empowering small and medium-sized cities and towns (SMCTs) for a Sustainable Energy Future
- Unlocking Climate Neutrality: HISEP Methodology for Sustainable Energy Planning in SMCTs
- Leading the Way: Demo SMCTs Paving the Path for Clean Energy Transitions
- Shaping a Sustainable Future: Building Capacities for Clean Energy Transition
- Towards a Greener Future: Empowering SMCTs with Sustainable Energy Strategies
- Inspiring Communities: Co-creating Sustainable Clean Energy Transitions
- Measuring More Than Numbers: PLENTY-Life’s Impactful Clean Energy Monitoring
- Examples to follow: Sharing PLENTY-Life’s Clean Energy Best Practices with Follower Cities
Role of BOKU University
BOKU University acts as coordinator of the project and is responsible for the management of two work packages (project management and coordination as well as capacity building). Together with the two other Austrian project partners (AIT and eKUT), the case study processes in two Austrian rural small towns (Eggenburg and Horn) are accompanied according to the principles of action research. The institute of spatial planning, environmental planning and land rearrangement is contributing its expertise in integrated spatial and energy planning. The spatial conditions for energy savings and the use of renewable energies should be created with integrated spatial and energy planning approaches. The best possible spatial and temporal coordination of energy supply and demand can make a significant contribution to the successful implementation of the clean energy transition.
PLENTY-Life consortium
In the PLENTY-LIFE consortium, 11 partners from 5 countries work together to support small and medium-sized cities and towns on their way to decarbonisation:
Coordinator: BOKU University, Institute of Spatial Planning, Environmental Planning and Land Rearrangement (BOKU)
Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT)
Accademia Europea di Bolzano (EURAC)
Centre for New Energy Technologies (EDP)
BEIA Consult International (BEIA)
TIMIS County
Comune di Dolo
Comune di Castelfranco Veneto
Municipio do Fundao
Case studies in Austria
Municipality of Eggenburg
Municipality of Horn
Georg Neugebauer
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
This project has received funding from the LIFE programme of the European Union under grant agreement No 101081061.