CE-Spaces4All – Interreg-Project

CE-Spaces4All – Accessible Spaces for All – Improving Accessibility of Tourism for Persons with Disabilities in Central Europe
IRUB is partner within the Interreg project CE-Spaces4All.
The project
Accessible tourism enables people with disabilities to travel independently. But there is often still a lack of awareness of their needs. The CE-Spaces4All project brings together public authorities, the tourism sector and people with disabilities to improve governance for more accessible tourism. The partners are developing a digital tool to map barriers in rural areas and provide them with a common strategy and local action plans to better integrate accessibility aspects into territorial planning.
IRUB’s focus within the project
IRUB will contribute its knowledge on integrated spatial and territorial development as well as on accessibility and mobility planning. We have experience in integrating and processing spatial data, actively participating and organising trainings and workshops, and disseminating project results. As a key knowledge provider, IRUB will lead capacity building for territorial accessibility planning and work package 2 (development of tools and services for independent disability tourism). IRUB is also a member of the project management board and steers the thematic activities. The Geodetic Institute of Slovenia and IRUB have experience in cooperation and ensure a smooth project implementation. We are aware that accessible environments are important in many contexts of urban and regional development and the ongoing project can contribute to gain extensive knowledge in this field by working locally in a pilot action (Austria/Czech Republic) on the one hand and cooperating with very experienced partners across Europe on the other hand.
CE-Spaces4All project partners (as of March 2023)
The CE-Spaces4All project partnership brings together a total of 9 regions and 28 institutions (partners and associated partners) from 7 countries in the Central European region:
- Lead Partner: Geodetic Institute of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia) www.gis.si
- National Council of Disability Organizations of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia) www.nsios.si
- Development Centre Murska Sobota (Murska Sobota, Slovenia) www.rcms.si
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Vienna, Austria); Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences, Institute of Spatial Planning, Environmental Planning and Land Rearrangement www.boku.ac.at/rali/irub
- Weinviertel Tourismus GmbH (Poysdorf, Austria) www.weinviertel.at
- Tourism Board of Međimurje County (Čakovec, Croatia) www.visitmedimurje.com
- Public Institution for the Development of Međimurje County REDEA, Department for social activity projects (Čakovec, Croatia) www.redea.hr
- Czech Environmental Information Agency, Unit of geoinformatics (Prague, Czech Republic) www.cenia.cz
- Czech paraplegic association, Unit of disabled people (Prague, Czech Republic) www.czepa.cz
- Zala County Self-Government (Zalaegerszeg, Hungary)
- Rzeszow Regional Development Agency, National and International Programmes and Projects Department (Rzeszów, Poland) www.rarr.rzeszow.pl
- European Disability Forum (Brussels, Belgium) www.edf-feph.org
Associated Partners:
- Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Republic of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Slovenian Tourist Board (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Stadtgemeinde Retz (Retz, Austria)
- Međimurje county association of people with physical disabilities (Čakovec, Croatia)
- Međimurje county (Čakovec, Croatia)
- Croatian National Tourist Board (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Pálava and Lednice-Valtice Area (Mikulov, Czech Republic)
- City of Znojmo (Znojmo, Czech Republic)
- West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. (Szombathely, Hungary)
- Hungarian National Federation of Organisations of People with a Physical Disability (Budapest, Hungary)
- Hungarian Centre for Development of Active and Ecotourism Nonprofit Ltd. (Budapest, Hungary)
- Association “Good House” (Wola Zarczycka, Poland)
- The Marshall’s Office of the Podkarpackie Region (Rzeszów, Poland)
For more information on the project, please visit the website of the Interreg programme: www.interreg-central.eu/projects/ce-spaces4all/
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Tatjana Fischer