Land Rearrangement for Public Projects
The main strength of land rearrangement is to enable land mobility. Aside from improving farming structures this instrument can be used to implement public projects related to land.
Numerous examples show that land rearrangement procedures are suitable instruments so support the implementation of transport infrastructure, flood protection and building land development efficiently and in a timely manner. Especially municipalities, but also other public planning authorities have a demand for these potentials and services.
Even though the practicality of land rearrangement is high, its institutional embedding has potential for improvement. Research on this topic deals with land rearrangement in general and land consolidation in particular and their possibilities and restrictions concerning the implementation of public projects (e.g. traffic infrastructure and flood protection projects). Analyses of framework conditions and stakeholder networks in land rearrangement procedures as well as knowledge transfer from land rearrangement to other research areas are also part of respective research.
For further information please contact Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Walter Seher
Exemplary Publications
Seher, W., Löschner, L. (2017): Anticipatory Flood Risk Management – Challenges for Land Policy. In: Hepperle, E., Dixon-Gough, R., Mansberger, R., Paulsson, J., Hernik J. and Kalbro, T. (Eds.): Land Ownership and Land Use Development - The Integration of Past, Present, and Future in Spatial Planning and Land Management Policies: 77-88; vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
Seher, W. (2015): Potenziale der Grundzusammenlegung als Instrument des Flächenmanagements in ländlichen Räumen Österreichs. ZfV - Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement: 140, 365-372.
Seher, W. (2014): Land consolidation in Austria - contributions to landscape and water management. In: Lisec, A., Prosen, A., Ceh, M. (Eds.): Land rearrangement as a challenge. Proceedings of the 42nd Slovenian Surveying Day: 39-44.