Rural Land Rearrangement
Rural land readjustment is focused on agriculture and forest land. The instruments of rural land rearrangement are among others land consolidation with either a comprehensive or simplified procedure, regulation and division of agricultural commons, regulation of grazing rights in forest land and the legal background of agricultural roads. By using them agricultural and forest land can be enlarged, divided, reconfigured, newly positioned and improved by roads.
Furthermore, it is possible to change ownership patterns and to define regulations for sustainable use of these properties. Research in the field of rural land rearrangement deals with the framework of commons using agricultural commons as an example and, in the interface with spatial planning, with the protection of agricultural land.
At international level the research focus is on cooperative studies concerning the implementation of land rearrangement in CEEC-states and in development cooperation.
For further information please contact Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Walter Seher
Exemplary Publications
Seher, W., Mansberger, R. (2014): Landmanagement in Österreich. ZfV - Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 3/2014: 141-150.
Meyer-Cech, K., Seher W. (2013): Preservation of Farmland in the Urban Fringe, a Critical Review of Planning Instruments Implemented. In: Hepperle, E., Dixon-Gough, R., Maliene, V., Mansberger, R., Paulsson, J., Pödör, A. (Eds.), Land Management: Potential, Problems and Stumbling Blocks. Landmanagement: Potenzial, Problemfelder und Stolpersteine: 297-307; vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.
Seher, W. (2007): Die Bedeutung von Agrargemeinschaften vor dem Hintergrund des landwirtschaftlichen Strukturwandels. In: Merlin, F.W., Hellebart, S., Machatschek, M. (Hrsg.), Bergwelt im Wandel. Festschrift für Erika Hubatschek zum 90. Geburtstag: 131-140; Verlag des Kärntner Landesarchivs, Klagenfurt.