With the BOKU Teaching Awards, which were awarded for the first time in 2010, BOKU want to the exceptional achievements in teaching visible. With a great deal of commitment and creativity, teachers create didactic concepts with which they emphasize and convey the characteristic elements of their subject. 

Teaching means conveying essential concepts and contexts to students, giving them important tools for life and inspiring them for the related subject.

The BOKU teaching are intended to stimulate a broad and in-depth discussion about various aspects of quality in teaching. They shed light on various aspects that define didactically high-quality and innovative teaching.

Different categories for the awards are selected each year.

BOKU Teaching Awards 2024

BOKU Teaching Awards 2024

The following categories will be awarded in 2024:

  • Lehrpreis -  compulsory courses with continuous assessment 
  • Manfred Schwanninger Preis
  • Junglehrendenpreis
  • Lehrlebenswerk

Please note that currently the categories are only available in german. Please switch to our geman website.

Deadline: June 30, 2024

The winners of the BOKU Teaching Award 2024 will be awarded during the Evening of Teaching and Learning 10 April, 2025.


For further information, please contact lehrpreise(at)boku.ac.at