Registration for a spot

Detailed information about the registration and the application form can be found under forms.

To obtain a spot at the daycare facilities, the following criteria have to be fulfilled:

  1. A  fully completed and signed application form.
  2. A confirmation of the deposit of 200 Euro as paid at the bank account of the association: BOKU KINDERGARTEN
    EASYBANK, IBAN AT451420020010611220, BIC
    BAWAATWW, Subject: Kaution, given/family name child
  3. Confirmation of registration at BOKU/other universities or proof of employment at BOKU .

Please note:  the application date is the date at which all data is received. During application, parents have to be reachable – for this reason, any changes in postal or email address, or telephone number has to be provided as soon as possible. In case an application needs to be withdrawn, you can send an email to anmeldung.kindergarten(at) In case the withdrawal takes place up to 2 months before the preferred start of daycare, the deposit will be returned. In case the cancellation takes place at a later point of time, the deposit will be retained.

Selection of children is based on the following premises. Children from students at BOKU are prioritized above employees. The latter are prioritized above students from other universities. A daycare spot in the nursery does not automatically result in acceptance within one of the family groups. Registration for these groups needs to be taken care of separately.

For further information on registration, please contact:

Daniela Fuchs Tel:  01 47654 31222

E-mail: anmeldung.kindergarten(at)