735110 Strategic marketing game

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Haas, Rainer , Meixner, Oliver
Marketing and Innovation
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


The course will teach you marketing within a virtual world using a convenient software application (MARKSTRAT).

Markstrat = Computer-based marketing simulation, 5 teams (3 students each). Each team takes control of a marketing department of a company competing with the other teams. Description: You are a Marketing manager and product responsible in a virtual market (Markstrat-world). You try to find optimal market positions for your products and to gain market shares via the usage of well known marketing techniques. If you succeed in doing so you will gain higher marketing budgets in the future and will therefore be able to spend more and more money for your existing and future products. The participants develop and implement marketing strategies for the organisation´s product portfolio: product development, product introduction, modification, and elimination; marketing strategies, pricing, distribution channels, sales staff, advertising ...

Previous knowledge expected

Good English skills and basic marketing knowledge are expected.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

MARKSTRAT -- a realtime marketing simulation game -- training your marketing skills -- in English language. The Markstrat simulation game is one of the most prominent strategic games in the marketing education and is used worldwide by Universities, MBA-mastercourses and in the training of management skills. You will learn within minimum time some of the most important concepts of Marketing, not only by, e.g., reading about them but by applying them within a realistic simulation. Learning by doing guarantees a much higher learning outcome compared to conventional teaching methods. Join the course and you will, amongst others, UNDERSTAND what marketing actually means, which pre-conditions of effective distribution of goods and services have to be fulfilled to be successful, and what might be the most prominent traps in highly competitive markets.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.