735339 Market-oriented innovation processes
- Type
- Lecture and exercise
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Wallnöfer, Laura Maria
- Organisation
- Marketing and Innovation
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
The course focuses on market-oriented and human-centric innovation processes. As an elective subject focusing on environmentally oriented business, this course addresses the challenge of integrating increasingly complex environmental and broader sustainability requirements into innovation processes but also using these requirements as starting points for innovation processes.
The course thereby follows the structure of innovation processes from inspiration to ideation and finally implementation.
Inspiration: 1st session - from market to market-related product ideas
•determine market-based needs for action (E.g. market analysis, multi-level perspective (MLP) on the landscape, regime, and niches determining innovation processes)
•determine competition-related needs for action (E.g. existing niche innovations)
•determine the business-related need for action (such as customer satisfaction analysis)
•determine and provide capacities (e.g., Innovators DNA exercise)
Inspiration to Ideation: 2nd session - from product ideas to product concepts
•Gaining insights into human-centered design processes
•Generating product ideas (E.g. creativity methods, system thinking, lead user analysis)
•Evaluating product ideas (E.g. fishbone diagram, system thinking)
Ideation: 3rd session - from product concept to product
•Formulate your vision and mission
•Definition of product requirements (e.g., human-centered design toolkit)
•Collection of product requirements (E.g. value proposition canvas)
Ideation to Implementation: 4th session - from product concept to product
•Integrate the consumer perspective to refine the product concept and move towards a product (e.g., customer interview)
•Involve actors from the innovation eco-system in your innovation process
Implementation: 5th session - from product to the market and to success
•Draft your minimum viable product/service as an intermediate outcome of your innovation process
•Draft your marketing mix for your product or service, considering the product, price, promotion, and place
Implementation: 6th session - from product to the market and to success
•Present and defend the innovation process you developed
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
After successful completion of the course, the student can:
... describe the role of market-oriented innovation processes in the management of innovation.
… explain the theoretical underpinnings of market-oriented innovation processes and critically reflect on them.
... identify and understand occurring and ongoing innovation processes in your own field of study.
... develop an innovation process by means of disruptive and human-centered design that addresses a sustainability issue
... use selected method sets for generating, selecting, and implementing ideas.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.