The aim of this project is the consideration of the geothermal potential of the Brenner Base Tunnel and the heat integration in district heating systems to contribute to plus-energy quarters in the city of innsbruck.The heat usage strongly depends on the prevailing district network and the consumer structure as well as the distance of the consumers to the tunnel portal. In order to determine the highest possible efficiency of the distribution, a wide variety of scenarios of different district heating systems is investigated.
In Simulations different heating networks with different temperaturelevels are carried out and compared. Zentralized and dezentralized heat pump systems using the geothermal heat are evaluated.
The results can be roll out to other infrastructures like freeways or other tunnel systems.
BOKU, working group energy engineering, is part of an interdisciplinary team together with TU Graz, IKB, BBT, Bundesanstalt für Geologie and AIT. The working group will perform the heat pump simulations as well as the energy concepts for the heat integration into the district heating network Innsbruck. The project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) as part of City of Tomorrow.
For futher information, please contact DI Dr. Magdalena Wolf.