"Nachhaltigkeit hochhalten"

Festive closing event 

(hold in German)

Welcome by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen

Students in conversation with Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen:

  • Laura Hundscheid: PhD student (Doctoral School T2S) and UniNEtZ employee (universities and sustainable development goals) at the Institute for Development Research
  • Koime-Simon Kouacou: Master's student Nawaro and co-founder of a multiple award-winning BOKU start-up (Beetle ForTech: timber traceability solutions)
  • Iris Oberklammer: Master's degree: in Forest Sciences and Organic Agricultural Systems and Agroecology. Employee: at the Institute for Silviculture in the context of the forest classification of Styria (FORSITE)

Then the BOKU sustainability prizes are awarded by the Rectorate

Background music by and with the Lofoten Cello Duo!

The evening was hosted by: ÖH BOKU chairwoman Stefanie Nikl

from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., in the TÜWI lecture hall
Then finish with a snack and time for networking