Peer learning meetings of the WG BNE
The WG BNE has been organizing exchange meetings between teachers since 2018. These are designed as peer learning advanced training, i.e. teachers at BOKU present their courses and take part in discussions with their colleagues. This creates a content-related, but also methodological exchange between teachers and joint learning.
Bisher fanden folgende Treffen statt:
- Kick Off Workshop: Sustainable Development as a Topic in BOKU Lectures (01/2018)
- Concepts & theories of sustainability in BOKU teaching I (10/2018)
- Concepts & theories of sustainability in BOKU teaching II (01/2019)
- Interdisciplinarity in teaching: Report in BOKU Magazin 2/2020 "Erfahrungsaustausch unter Lehrenden" ("Exchange of experiences among teachers") (12/2019), article by Mirjam Weber, Institute for Social Ecology.
- Group work - challenges and opportunities for BNE
- Transdisciplinarity in teaching: summary and reports on two selected courses in BOKU magazine 4/2020 (pages 49ff)
Values and sustainability in teaching (02/21), report in BOKU magazine 1/2021 (page 46ff)
Next peer learning dates
Information and registration under the BOKU training pass