Equipment and Infrastructure
The Schäffer Research Group uses the following equipment and infrastructure:
- Autoclaves: ThermoScientific Varioklav, Certoklav CV-EL 18GS
- Balances: Mettler PJ400, Sartorius QUINTIX65-1S,
- Branson Ultrasonics™ Sonifier™ SFX150 Desintegrator
- Centrifuges: Beckman Coulter Avanti J-76 XP
- Table top centrifuges: Eppendorf Centrifuges MiniSpin; Eppendorf Centrifuge 5804 R; Eppendorf Centrifuge 5424 R
- Dewar
- Freezer: ThermoFisher Scientific™ HERAfreeze™ HFU T Series -86 °C
- Incubators: IGS60, Heratherm; Orbital incubators: New Brunswick Innova® 44/44R
- Lab ice making machine
- Microwave
- Milli-Q® IX Water Purification System
- Ultracentrifuges: Beckman Coulter, Optima™ XPN-100; Beckman-Coulter Avanti J-26 XP
- Ultrospec 10
- Water baths: ThermoFisher Scientific™
Biosafety level 2 laboratory
- AnaeroJars: Oxoid
- Certoklav CV-EL 18GS
- CO2-Incubator: MMM CO2 Cell comfort line
- Glove box - Anaerobic Workstation DG250
- Incubators: IGS60, Heratherm
- Laminars: Thermo Scientific KS12 Safety work bench KL.II
- Magnetic stirrers with hot plate: Sigma-Aldrich
- Microcentrifuge Pico 17
- Swing bucket centrifuge: Megafuge 16 R, ThermoFisher Scientific
Molecular biology and genetics
- Hybridization oven: Hybaid Shake ‘n' Stack, Thermo Scientific 6242
- RT-PCR: MJ Mini Opticon, BioRad
- PCR machines: iCycler, BioRad
- DNA Electrophoresis Cells: Mini-Sub Cell GT Horizontal Electrophoresis, BioRad
- Electroporator: Gene Pulser Xcell Microbial System
- Amino acid analyzer
- Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR+ UV Gel Documentation Imaging System + Quantity One Basic
- Christ lyophilisator Labor Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
- Chromatography: ÄKTA, FPLC; HPLC: Thermo Fisher Scientific UltiMate 3000¸ Wyatt MALS Dawn8+
- Circular dichroism: ChiraScan Applied Photophysics; temperature-controlled; CD, UV-VIS & fluorescence detection
- Dionex ICS 3000
- Dynamic Light Scattering and Electrophoretic (zeta potential) measurements: Malvern Zetasizer
- Electrophoresis and blot: Mini Protean, trans-blot module, BioRad
- Fluorimeter: Perkin Elmer FL 6500
- Infrared Imager: LICOR Odyssey
- Magnetic stirrer: Isotemp
- Microplate reader: Infinite F200 Tecan
- Nanodrop
- pH-meter: Mettler Seven Compact S210 Basic
- Photometer: Eppendorf BioSpectrometer basic; Applied Photophysics Chirascan CD Spectrometer; Hitachi Model F-7000 flourescence spectrophotometer; Hitachi Model U-3900 UV-VIS spectrophotometer
- Plate shaker: Orbital shaker, IKA
- Power supplies: BioRad
- Thermomixer: Eppendorf Thermomixer comfort
- Ultrasonic bath
- Vortex
Cell culture
- CO2-Incubator: MMM CO2 Cell comfort line
- FACS: BD FACSCanto II Flow Cytometer
- Cryo-Preparation: High Pressure Freezing - Leica EM HPM 100 (Leica Microsystems, Austria); Freeze Fracture, Etching and e-beam Coating - Leica EM ACE900 (Leica Microsystems, Austria)
- Cryo-Scanning Electron Microscope - Apreo VS (Thermo Scientific, The Netherlands)
- Fluorescence microscope: Nikon TE-2000-S
- Light microscope: Polyvar Reichert-Jung
- Microtome: Leica
- Reflectance, transmission and polarized light microscopy - Nikon ME600
- Thin metal film coating: Leica- BalTec
- Transmission Electron Microscope - FEI TECNAI G2 (FEI Europe B. V, Austria)
- Core Facility Biomolecular & Cellular Analysis
- Core Facility Multiscale Imaging
- Core Facility Mass Spectrometry
- Core Facility Bioinformatics