Chemical imaging and biogeochemical hotspots
Chemical imaging and biogeochemical hotspots
We develop and apply novel sampling and analytical techniques for 2-D imaging of rhizosphere and soil processes at the microscale. We are particularly interested in unravelling features and processes in biogeochemical hotspots such as around pant roots, fertilizer or biochar granules, or pollutant-releasing particles. We aim at combining / integrating various imaging techniques including:
- 2-D sampling of available nutrients or pollutants using Diffusive Gradient in Thinfilms (DGT) applied to hotspots, and subsequent Laser Ablation ICP-MS imaging.
- Planar optodes for imaging controls of nutrient and pollutant solubility such as pH and oxygen (indication of redox potential)
- Zymography for imaging enzyme activities.
Contact: Walter Wenzel and Eva Oburger