Master thesis at the Institute of Silviculture
Graduating at the Institute of Silviculture allows you to apply the acquired knowledge and skills on silvicultural topics. In most cases you are confronted with a problem of forest management. You have to solve it considering various management objectives under different ecological and technical constraints. This work will be handled like a research project that provides you a very effective and successful training for your future career.
Choosing topic and supervisor
If you are interested in doing your Master topic at our Institute, please contact one of the following supervisors:
- Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Hubert Hasenauer
- Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Eduard Hochbichler
- Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Manfred Lexer
- Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. MAS (GIS) Harald Vacik
If you are looking for a topic, see our list of finished or ongoing Master thesis, ask a supervisor or visit one of the Master’s Thesis Seminars.
- finished Master thesis
- ongoing Master thesis
- Master’s Thesis Seminar
Guideline for Master thesis
Here you find the Guideline for Master thesis from the Institute of Silviculture. This guideline is meant to give you information on administrative requirements of the BOKU and Institute of Silviculture, such as Formal Registration, Master’s Thesis Seminar or Hints for Layout.
If you have any general questions concerning the process Master thesis at our Institute, don’t hesitate to contact:
- Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Mathias Neumann
- Mag. Marion Hummer-Niedermayr
At the beginning of your thesis
- Step 1: The student registers the thesis in the BOKU Study service - Centre. This office generates a data set for this thesis.
After finishing your thesis, before completion of studies
- Step 2: The student enters the data in the "Abstract-application".
- Step 3: The supervisor approves the data.
- Step 4: The student brings a signed printout and the printed copies of the thesis to the BOKU Study service – Centre. This office enters some additional data like the final title of the thesis and the publication date.
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Completion of the Master's programme
Master's Programme Forest Sciences has been completed when the student has passed all required courses and received a positive grade on the Master’s thesis and defence examination. Graduates of the Master’s Programme are awarded the academic title "Diplomingenieur" bzw. "Diplomingenieurin", short "Dipl.-Ing."/"" or "DI"/"DIin".
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- in BOKUweb details (e.g.: forms) to "Graduation from Master's degree programmes"
- You have completed your studies – it's time to celebrate: Graduation ceremony