finished Master thesis
Institute of Silviculture: finished Master thesis
This chronological and alphabetical ordered list contains only Master thesis in English. Full list of finished Master thesis at the Institute of Silviculture is only available on german pages.
Boehnke, D. (2020):
Origin and Genetic Variation Analysis of Austrian Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)
(Betreuer: Neophytou; Hasenauer)
Nazari, M. (2020):
Identifying successful mechanisms for the implementation of payment for ecosystem services
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Henneböhle, I. (2019):
Selecting appropriate tree species composition for forest and landscape restoration projects to support local livelihoods.
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Albrich, K. (2017):
Effects of forest management on the provisioning of ecosystem services under climate change in a mountain forest landscape.
(Betreuer: Seidl, Mitbetreuer: Rammer)
Abraha, H.K. (2016):
Effect of area closure on above ground carbon storage and diversity in the Amahara region, Ethiopia.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer, Mitbetreuer: Thurnher)
Gartlehner, C. (2016):
Application of the tree-growth-model MOSES for Sitka Spruce in Scotland.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer)
Herreras Gadea, A. (2016):
Validation of PICUS across Europe.
(Betreuer: Lexer)
Rechenmacher, A. (2016):
GIS based analysis of suitable areas of forest growth in the Chong Kemin National Park, Kyrgyzstan.
(Betreuer: Vacik, Mitbetreuer: Immitzer)
Roor, W. (2016):
Populations differentiation in Juglans regia L. across major parts of its native range
Insights from molecular and morphometric data.
(Betreuer: Geburek, Mitbetreuer: Konrad)
Vigl, F. (2016):
Climate change adaption potential of thinnings: a simulation study.
(Betreuer: Seidl, Mitbetreuer: Rammer)
Gezahgn, T.T. (2015):
Development of Allometric equations for Volume and Biomass Calculation Tree Species for the Amahara Region, Ethiopia.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer)
Habtie, K. G. (2015):
Biodiversity and Growth rates of Natural Forests in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer, Mitbetreuer: Thurnher)
Piatak, Th. (2015):
Growth response of Norway spruce stands surviving a major wind event.
(Betreuer: Vacik, Mitbetreuer: Seidl, Ruprecht)
Toth, W. (2015):
A comprehensive uncertainty analysis of the Analytic Hierarchy Process-methodology in the context of environmental decision-making.
(Betreuer: Vacik, Mitbetreuer: B. Wolfslehner)
Wondem S. (2015):
Estimating Above Ground Biomass and Carbon Stock of Four Natural Forests in Amhara Region, Ethiopia.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer)
Kabir, H. (2014):
Comparing Different Methods of Biomass Estimation of Trees in Europe.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer, Mitbetreuer: Neumann)
Martin, Ch. A. (2014):
Assessment of forest services in Estancia Santa Lucia and silvicultural recommendations.
(Betreuer: Lexer)
Nyongesa, K.W. (2014):
Fire Management in Forests and National Parks of Kenya. Case studies at Kakamega, Mount Elgon and Mount Kenya forest and national park.
(Betreuer: Vacik, Mitbetreuer: Gratzer)
Wabnig, Th. (2014):
Case Study at Hinewai-Reserve: Post-fire assessment of the resprouting ability of some New Zealand native woody plants.
(Betreuer: Vacik, Mitbetreuer: Timothy Curran (Lincoln University, Christchurch-New Zealand)
Gebert P.R. (2013):
The sensitivity of Austria´s tree species to climate change.
(Betreuer: Lexer, Mitbetreuer: Seidl)
Gelaye K.K. (2013):
Strategies for the Sustainable Management of Frankincense (Boswellia papyrifera) in the lowland of Armachiho District in Amhara regional state, Ethiopia.
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Gerritzen Th. (2013):
Comparison of Carbon Calculation Methods.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Thurnher)
Guduric, I. (2013):
The perception of decision-makers to climate change adaptation in urban and peri-urban forests of Belgrade.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Wolfslehner)
Paleskic E. (2013):
Assessing the growth potential for Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) and Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) for Austria
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Klopf)
Acharya A. (2012):
Assessing the protection function of Natural and Community Managed Forest against Landslides in the Mid-Hills of Nepal.
(Betreuer: Lexer)
Albers, J. (2012):
Comparative Analysis of the Forest Fire Situation in Central-Eastern Europe.
(Betreuer: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Wolfslehner)
Klinger, N. (2012):
Integration des Themas Waldbiomasse im Unterrichtsgegenstand Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde in einer siebten Klasse Gymnasium am Beispiel Pellets.
(Betreuer: Lexer; Mitbetreuerin: Prof. Dipl. Päd. Heidemarie Wagner)
Najdanovic, I. (2012):
Silvicultural guidelines for the drinking water protection forest Schnabelberg/Waidhofen a. d. Ybbs.
(Betreuer: Hochbichler; Mitbetreuer: Köck)
Niedermayr, J. (2012):
Linking Small Scale Agroforestry with Forest Preservation to Reduce CO2-Emissions from Deforestation - Agroforestry Design and Carbon Monitoring for a Case Study in Gabon/Africa.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Pietsch)
Oettel, J.K. (2012):
Forest Fires and Fuel Characteristics of Tyrol - Including Case Studies.
(Betreuer: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Arpaci)
Schier, F. (2012):
Characteristics, Structure, and Tree-Species Diversity of a Tropical Exploitation Forest after 40 Years of Regeneration.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Pietsch)
Schmid, C. (2012):
Linking Small Scale Agroforestry with Forest Preservation to Reduce CO2-Emissions from Deforestation: Baseline Scenario and Economic Assessment of a Case Study in Gabon/Africa.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Pietsch)
Thom D. (2012):
Variability in Austria's forest disturbance regimes - Implications for forest management.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Seidl)
Bednar, J.E. (2011):
Climatic thresholds for ecosystem stability: The case of the Western Congolian Lowland Rainforest.
(Diplomarbeit, Universität Wien. Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Pietsch)
Grima Liria, N. (2011):
Forest Fire Hazard Mapping in Carinthia (Southern Austria)
(Betreuer: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Arpaci)
Hesser, F. (2011):
Case study of Post-fire Analysis and Habitat Structures, and Pre-fire Reconstruction in Bad Bleiberg, Southern Austria
(Betreuer: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Gossow, Arpaci)
Hördegen, F. (2011):
Restoration of different treated areas in south-west Costa Rica
(Betreuer: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Weissenhofer (Uni Wien, Tropenstation La Gamba))
Rahman, S.S. (2011):
Identify appropriate conservation strategies and their importance for the local people in Bangladesh.
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Badilla López, J.R. (2010):
Stand structure and dynamics of a traditionally managed 18 years-old rotation coppice system in Burgenland, Austria
(Betreuer: Hochbichler)
Messner, A. (2010):
Sustainablility assessment of products: A comparison of the methods Ecological footprint, MIPS (Material Input Per Service Unit) and the Integrated EFORWOOD Sustainability Impact Assessment, by example of two wood products.
(Betreuer: Lexer; Mitbetreuer: Wolfslehner, Michaela Balzarova (Lincoln University, Christchurch, Neuseeland))
Nebyou A. E. (2010):
Applying DPSIR framework for the assessment of alternative management strategies of Semien Mountain National Park.
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Sperlich, D.(2010):
Investigation of single tree parameters in deciduous forests
(Betreuer: Hochbichler)
Tjajadi, J. (2010):
Analysing Stand Level Biomass Production Potentials for Selected Silvicultural Regimes in Norway Spruce and European Beech
(Betreuer: Lexer; Mitbetreuer: Schörghuber)
Dangol, S. (2009):
Improving Livelihood and equity through adaptive & collaborative Management (ACM) in Community Forest.
A case study of Bamdibhir CFUG in Kaski District, Nepal
(Betreuer: Lexer)
Dewan, S. (2009):
Analysis of regeneration and species richness along different disturbance levels in the Kassalong Reserve Forest at Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Kurth, C. (2009):
Assessing sustainability impacts of setting aside forest areas in a regional Forest Wood Chain (FWC) in Baden Württemberg (Germany) using ToSIA and a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) method.
(Betreuer: Lexer; Mitbetreuer: Wolfslehner, Lindner (EFI/Joensuu))
Maroschek, M. (2009):
How vulnerable is the protective function of Austria’s mountain forests under climate change? A qualitative vulnerability assessment for protective forests in three selected regions.
(Betreuer: Lexer; Mitbetreuer: Seidl)
Nandi, R. (2009):
Comparison of Regeneration and Tree Species Diversity of Disturbed and Less Disturbed Zones of Sitakund Botanical Garden and Eco-park, Chittagong, Bangladesh
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Sapkota, B. (2009):
Community Forest as a Source of Rural Energy, Case Study of a Community forest of Midhill of Nepal, from Bioenergy Perspectives
(Betreuer: Hochbichler; Mitbetreuer: Vacik)
Thapa Magar, S.K. (2009):
Community Based Forest Enterprise : A Pro-poor initiative (Case studies from Nepal)
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Unger, G.M. (2009):
Spatial genetic structure of three Norway spruce (Picea abies [L] Karst.) populations along an altitudinal cline in Tyrol/Austria.
(Betreuer: Geburek)
Visa, A. (2009):
Estimation of biomass productivity in three selected clones of willow in Austria.
(Betreuer: Hochbichler)
Winter, M.-B. (2009):
Natural regeneration and protection efficiency of the upper montane forests in the Natural Forest Reserve Goldeck, Carinthia
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Ruprecht, Frank/BFW)
Deck, C. (2008):
Forest management and drinking water: Case studies and recommendations.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Hochbichler)
Gautam, S. (2008):
Modeling the effects of thinning on growth response of oak forests.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Hasenauer; Mitbetreuer: Pietsch)
Pötzelsberger, E. (2008):
Assessing the productivity and water regime in the Schmittenbach catchment area
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Hasenauer)
Acharya Bishnu, P. (2007):
Practice and Implementation of Forest Certification in Nepal. A case study from some CFUFs of Dolakha district, Nepal.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Belay Gebre, W. (2007):
Evaluation of Tree Nursery Management Practices in two agro-ecological zones of Central Ethiopia.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Klumpp)
Biswas, S. (2007):
Evaluating management strategies of integrated Water Resource Management - a case study on Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs).
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik; Mitbetreuer: Hogl)
Chen, J. (2007):
Linking the Pan-European Operational Level Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management with the EU Water Framework Directive: an Ontology based approach.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Karki, Bhakta B. (2007):
Role of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for the livelihood support system of local people (a case study from Arun Valley).
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Nyangu, Deogratius P. (2007):
Exploring the ecological footprints of forest products - Austria and Tanzania case study.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Khadka, Ch. (2006):
Criteria and Indicators for sustainable community based forest management in Nepal.
(Betreuer u. Begutachter: Vacik)
Seidl, R. (2004):
Evaluation of a hybrid forest patch model
(Betreuer und Begutachter: Lexer)
Gufler, V.: (2002)
Analysis of Incoming Solar Radiation and Stand Parameters of various Forest Types in Northern Sweden. (Mitbetreuer: Vacik; Begutachter: Spörk)
Ded Ch.: (2001)
On the biodiversity in forest communities rich in/ influenced by Pinus cembra : a silvicultural analysis of stands in different altitudes at Mt. Stoderzinken/Dachstein (Styria)
(Mitbetreuer: Klumpp; Begutachter: Lang)
Gomez Corral M.N.: (2001)
Evaluating the decision support tool NED-1
(Mitbetreuer: Vacik; Begutachtung: Kleine)
Corcoles, J.A.: (2000)
On the genetic variation of Abies alba Mill. Monitored by isozyme markers as revealed from the provenance trial "Knödelhütte 1967".
(Betreuer: Klumpp)
Kitzler, B.: (2000)
Evaluation of silvicultural treatment alternatives for North Idaho's forests.
(Betreuer: Lexer, Stoszek; Begutachter: Spörk)
Schermaier, M: (2000)
Agroforestry systems and their potential to control erosion. A case study in the midhills of Nepal, near Kathmandu
(Betreuer: Pitterle)