ongoing Master thesis
Institute of Silviculture: ongoing Master thesis
This list contains only Master thesis that will be written in English. Full list of ongoing Master thesis at the Institute of Silviculture is only available on german pages.
Aschenbrenner, T.:
Analyzing an Austrian FBU with DPSIR framework and finding participatory solutions with a PPGIS application
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Bhattarai, L.:
Synergy and tradeoff in Carbon sequestration
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Hardalau, D.G.:
Comparative assessment of natural regeneration across natural forest reserves in Austria
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Hildebrand, S.M.:
How does forest fragmentation influence the fire spread behaviour of forest fires
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Lindau, A.:
Identifying trees species for Forest Landscape Restoration in Burkina Faso appropriate to eviromental, socio-cultural and economical relations
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Manousidis, D.:
Analysis of natural regeneration dynamics in correlation to deadwood in different natural reserves in Austria
(Betreuer: Vacik)
Parschau, J.:
Recruitment Dynamics of Myrtle Beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii) in a Late-successional Temperate Wet Forest in Tasmania.
(Betreuer: Hasenauer)