Implementation of Academic Geomatics Education in Ethiopia for Supporting Sustainable Development (Edu4GEO2)
APPEAR Project 310 AAP
Project Duration: 01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026 (extended until 30.06.2027, due to civil unrest in the Amhara region)
Ethiopia has launched a land-related data capturing and processing program using ground survey equipment, aerial photography as well as high-resolution satellite imagery. The recently established Rural Land Administration Directorate (Ministry of Agriculture), the Urban Land Development and Management Bureau (Ministry of Urban Development and Construction) and the Geospatial Information Institute at federal level with branch offices at regional and lower organizational levels are responsible for all geodata-management tasks. However, the lack of well-qualified specialists is becoming a challenge for a proper execution of these duties.
APPEAR has been playing pivotal role for these by funding the establishment and proper functioning of the land administration competence center at Debre Markos University (DMU) in the previous academic partnership project EduLAND2. A bachelor course on Land Administration and Surveying has been developed and implemented to teach students both in regular and continuing education programs. In addition, land administration experts at different levels got tailor-made trainings on different skill related courses.
Edu4GEO2 is based on the results of EduLAND2 project and designed to upgrade the competence of undergraduate students through implementing a master curriculum on Geomatics to make students fit for leading positions in the public and private sector of land administration and geodata-management, as well as for teaching and research activities at academic institutions. Since, female students are given priority in the enrollment process, Edu4GEO2 will increase the number of female land administrations specialists. This will improve the proportion of female land administration professionals engaged in higher scientific works and decision-making powers.
The implementation of the master course relies heavily on team-teaching. During the first and the second term of the master program, all classes are held as team-teaching of the project members from all partner institutions. From the third term on, lecturers of DMU will take over and provide classes by their own (in a team-teaching approach). Team-teaching enables lecturers to learn from each other by discussing and applying modern teaching and learning methods. It perfectly integrates the concept of gender and diversity. The course material will be available in digital format.
Two research studies will be carried out in the Edu4GEO2 project. One is highlighting the potential of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to gain land related information time-independently at local level. The second is investigating the effects of land certification on balancing gender land rights. Factors triggering gender equality will be elaborated and communicated to the public. Together with trainings given to female farmers and the increased number of higher-qualified female land experts, the findings of this research study will strengthen the land tenure security for women in the Ethiopian society and create a conducive environment for equal access to land.
Edu4GEO2 also includes customized trainings for land administration professionals engaged in different scientific works, which will close existing knowledge and skill gaps. Particularly, the training of land committees and female farmers is pivotal for the proper functioning of the land administration activities especially at the grass root level.
Edu4GEO2 directly addresses the overall objective of APPEAR, as it increases capacity in the land administration sector by producing competent graduates, by upgrading knowledge and skills of project team members and land administration professionals, and by conducting problem solving research.
Edu4GEO2 is in line with the priority areas of the government and will be an essential contribution for the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Project Partners:
Technische Universität Wien (TUW), Debre Markos University (DMU), Bahir Dar University (BDU)
BOKU-Staff involved:
Activities in Progress or Completed (updated: August 1, 2024)
WP1 Project Management
- Kick-Off-Meeting (May 9, 2023) at TUW
- Half-Year Report Year 1
- Annual and Financial Report Year 1
WP2 Development and Running the MSc Curriculum
- Review of the existing national MSc curricula on the topic of "Geomatics"
- Curriculum design for MSc program "Geomatics" (draft - to be approved by DMU management; see pdf)
WP3 Provision of Teaching & Research Facilities and Learning Materials
- Acquisition of photogrammetric & surveying equipment - in progress
WP4 Capacity Building, Training and Education
- Workshop "Development of digital teaching and learning material" - preparation in progress
WP6 Provision of community services
- Delivering training for local community (farmers) - in preparation
- Delivering training for female farmers on gender & land rights - in preparation
WP7 Dissemination
- Development and maintenance of project website
- Fact Sheet of project (see pdf)
- Roll-Up of the project (see pdf)
- APPEAR in Practice (May 9, 2023) in OeAD Building, Vienna (see APPEAR-Homepage)
- Welt im Ohr (May 30, 2023) 'Land rights and their importance for sustainable development' (Radio Broadcast)
- Publication of two articles in Journal LAND - ( one in progress - minor revision)
Next Activities
WP1 Project Management
- Preparation Half Years Report Year2
WP2 Development and Running the MSc Curriculum
- Implementation and running the curriculum "Geomatics"
WP3 Provision of Teaching & Research Facilities and Learning Materials
- Purchase of CORS-Station
WP4 Capacity Building, Training and Education
- Workshop "Development of digital teaching and learning material" - scheduled 24th to 25th September 2024
WP5 Joint Research Activities
- Case Study on "Data Acquisition using UAV to support land administration tasks
WP6 Provision of community services
- Delivering training for local community (farmers) - in 2nd and 3rd project year
- Delivering training for female farmers on gender & land rights - in 2nd and 3rd project year
Project Coordinator & Contact person BOKU
Thomas Bauer, Mag. Dr.rer.nat.
- Senior Lecturer
- H85700 Institute of Geomatics
- Phone
- +43 1 47654-85713
- Fax
- +43 1 47654-85709
- Postal address
Institute of Geomatics
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82
1190 Vienna - Office hours
- Montag bis Freitag (nach Vereinbarung)