L-x 2024: Landscapes Re-Used, Re-Cycled, Re-Interpreted

All videos of the lectures now online for review!

L-x, international lectures on Landscape Architecture presents innovative, artistic, technically and creatively independent landscape architecture projects in four public lectures.

Landscapes Re-Used, Re-Cycled, Re-Interpreted

The lecture series L-x, international lectures on Landscape Architecture is entering the next round and is dedicated to current issues in landscape architecture. Landscape architects from four renowned firms in Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and France will present projects and solutions. The main topics are the handling of material resources, circularity, as well as reuse and conversion.

Mehr Infos: l-x.at

Kamille Augustinus Hansson
BOGL, Copenhagen and Oslo

Video: https://youtu.be/7MRK1A4bds0


Robin Winogrond, Zurich

Video: https://youtu.be/eZII5ZRraSE


Daniel Baur
Bryum, Basel

Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/Lj2Pw-NR0nk


Madeleine Accarain
Wagon Landscaping, Paris

Video: https://youtube.com/live/dcBUFea8dzo

L-x 2024: Landscapes Re-Used, Re-Cycled, Re-Interpreted

L-x, international lectures on Landscape Architecture 2024, brings the current issues of landscape and material resources to the table. Four different positions will be presented from which landscape architects have developed contemporary responses in urban public spaces and landscapes at different scales. How can existing structures be re-used for or complemented by new landscapes at a time when the economical use of land is a high priority - both in terms of land scarcity as well as ecology and green space justice? How can landscape designs be based on the idea of material recycling? Which approaches for re-interpretation of open spaces and landscapes can be realized to add new meanings and at the same time tackle contemporary natural and social urgencies? In this series of lectures, landscape architects from four renowned firms in Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and France will present projects that provide a variety of answers to these questions.

L-x, international lectures on Landscape Architecture ist eine Kooperation zwischen dem Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur der BOKU University und der ÖGLA, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Landschaftsarchitektur. Die Vortragsreihe wird ermöglicht durch Förderung des Bundesministeriums für Kunst, Kultur, Öffentlichen Dienst und Sport. Kuratorin: Lilli Lička
