Folding Peace

At the garden festival in Ponte de Lima (PORTUGAL), BOKU students are creating a garden as a statement in the name of peace. The entries were selected by the jury as part of an international competition.


PONTE DE LIMA / Portugal  - The Peace Garden, A Garden for Peace

The contribution by Herm van der Linden, Julia Wurm and Norbert Nozdrovicky is inspired by the story of the young girl Sadako Sasaki, who fell ill with leukaemia after the atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima and folded over 1,000 origami cranes in order to get well. Visitors can fold their own origami cranes at four stations and place them on wave-shaped sculptures or in the centre of the garden to set a sign for peace. The garden is designed with aromatic plants and multi-stemmed birch trees that create a calm and peaceful atmosphere and offers a bench to rest on.

The garden will be built in spring 2025 and will be open to visitors from the end of May to the end of October 2025 in Ponte de Lima / Portugal.
PONTE DE LIMA / Portugal

The contributions were developed as part of a course at the Institute of Landscape Architecture.

852.317 Entwurf und Gestaltung von Details  
Leitung DI Roland Wück, Tutorin: Ines Altrichter

This elective is part of the Master's degree programme in Landscape Planning / Landscape Architecture
Information on the Master's programme: UH 066 419 Masterstudium Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsarchitektur
