Attention: Please note that the following shown courses, are only those courses which are approved by the Vice-Rectorate for Education and offered by the respective department/institute for the current academic year.

Compulsory courses

Thematic block Introduction to renewables utilization

Thematic block Introduction energy conversion & Energy economics

Thematic block Introduction to economics of renewable resources

Thematic block Renewable resources and agroecosystems

Thematic block Introduction in ecobalancing renewable raw materials

Thematic block Renewable resources and nature protection

Thematic block Master´s thesis seminar

Elective courses

Focus area 1: Renewable raw materials and cultivation systems

Thematic block Specific farming of renewable raw materials

Thematic block Ecophysiology of farming plants

Thematic block Soil protection in agriculture

Thematic block Forest ecosystem management

Thematic block Medical and spice plants

Thematic block Analysis of short rotation coppices

Thematic block Agricultural engineering in plant production

Focus area 2: Chemical and material use of biomass

Focus area 3: Energetic use of biomass

Thematic block Electrical engineering & Distribution

Thematic block Energetic use of biomass

Thematic block Energy and process engineering

Thematic block Balancing and design of energy systems

Thematic block Biogastechnology

Thematic block Research practical Energetic use of renewable resources

Focus area 4: Economics of renewable resources

Focus area 5: Environment and ecology

Thematic block Material flow management

Thematic block Environmental law and technology in the timber industry sector

Thematic block Quality assessment of water and waste water

Thematic block Environment and ecology

Thematic block Global change

Thematic block Gender, food systems and natural resources

Focus area 6: Methods

Thematic block Applied statistics