pocket diary, pen

Time table coordination

Time table coordination for compulsory courses in bachelor curricula

Central schedule entry (Administration of Teaching and Learning)

For the compulsory courses of the bachelor's degree programs, the schedule coordinator prepares a draft schedule for each semester and field of study, based on the semester recommendations of the compulsory courses.

Attention! The draft schedule is only available in German - please switch to the German page to access the files.

You will receive a notification asking you to check and provide feedback on your dates. Your change requests will be incorporated to the best of our ability depending on available resources as well as in terms of studyability.

  • All compulsory Bachelor courses are coordinated centrally. The corresponding course dates can therefore only be entered by the schedule coordination team in BOKUonline after notification to termine.bokuonline(at)boku.ac.at.

  • Compulsory courses have absolute priority when it comes to room reservations. In case of appointment conflicts during the schedule planning, the person who is responsible for the lecture room coordination has the right to sign out other courses and dates.

  • In some cases, the seminar rooms at the single institutes can be included in the schedule planning for the compulsory course as well. This approval is required and mandatory.

(Note: 1st/3rd/5th semester = winter semester; 2nd/4th/6th semester = summer semester).

Decentral announcement of dates

The dates of all master study courses (compulsory and elective courses) as well as the elective courses and free elective courses of all studies are recorded decentrally by the institutes or departments.

Time period for the registration of dates:

Winter semester: beginning of July - start of semester

Summer semester: beginning of December - start of semester


Dear teachers, dear students, in case of overlappings between courses or other reasons why a schedule change is necessary, please contact us by writing an email to termine.bokuonline(at)boku.ac.at