
Picture of participants of the award ceremony

Peter-Faller Award goes to Klaus-Dieter Rest

is on urban areas. The published algorithms are based on the requirements of two major HHC service providers

Metabolomics at BOKU VIBT

in cellular systems comprising mass spectrometry based metabolite quantification and metabolic flux analysis

Drought Resistance Phenotyping in Grapevine

and will give a lecture within the course Plant based aspects of abiotic stress responses in grapevine

50th Birthday – Man and Biosphere National Committee under BOKU lead

year after the founding of the UNESCO MAB program, based on a contract between the Ministry of Science and

Jubilee finale with ceremony

practice-oriented and at the same time research-based education, but it has also produced a large number

Access MODIS VI data

time series . The filtering is performed on-demand based on the time window requested by the user. The filtered

Fulbright Specialists Program

selected to join the Fulbright Specialist Roster based on their knowledge, skill sets, and ability to make

picture of Dr. Tad Sonstegard

Tad Sonstegard talks about New Breeding Techniques

Network (AGIN), implementing simple community based breeding programs with local goat breeds in Uganda

Lecture Digital Patent

Lecture Digital Patent for BOKU researchers Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexander Wurzer Bio: Alexander Wurzer is Professor at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies ( Centre d’Etudes Inter

The 2018 PhD Award of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS) goes to Dr. Marco Beaumont

of a Cellulose II Gel" focused on a novel, wood-based nanomaterial from regenerated cellulose (cellulose

Mobility funding options for BOKU PhD students

PLAN Scholarships BOKU “Förderstipendium” (Need-based Scholarships) … and many more… Please note: This

Vienna is Soya Capital of the World this week

and the city’s World Museum. Donau Soja, a Vienna-based not-for-profit organisation, is acting as host.

LTS LunchTimeSeries

“Models in Action – Realizing Abstractions” was based on an ethnographic study of modeling practices in

Forrest walkway surrounded by trees with leaves in autumn colours.

T2S goes Biosphärenpark Wienerwald

coexistence is the goal of biosphere parks, which are based on a UNESCO concept. The presentations dealt with

Cutting food waste

products? How is food correctly stored in households? Based on the findings from the survey, bespoke awareness


As part of the course there will be a case study-based exercise where the students will identify synergies

RIZ Genius award

in diabetes patients. The patented technology is based on a genetically engineered enzyme. The enzyme

Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering

tissue engineering: Tissue Engineering and Cell Based Therapies: Past, Present, Future, clinical needs


As part of the course there will be a case study-based exercise where the students will identify synergies

Rule(s) of Recommendation

powered recommender system for a public broadcaster. Based on an empirical study he argued that algorithmic

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