
Research::Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management (IWJ)::Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (DIBB)::BOKU

in the entire Alpine region, but these are not based on current data from Austria. In this study, the [...] the conflict potential model will not be based on questionnaires but will be analyzed on the basis of economic [...] analyze potential conflicts. Both models will be based on current Austrian data and consider different

Selected publications::Institute of Transport Studies (IVe)::Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences::BOKU

dependence: a new urban development framework and GIS-based tool, with M. J. Saunders, International Journal [...] Studies on Transport Policy, v. 2, p. 1, 2014. GIS-Based analytical tools for transport planning: spatial [...] Sustainability, v. 10, p. 2379, 2018. An indicator-based methodology for assessing resilience in urban mobility

Research::Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (HyWa)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

declining water availability and challenges 3. nature-based options for action and their potential Impact of [...] carried out around 20 years ago. That assessment was based on simplified assumptions, especially regarding [...] weather forecasts from ZAMG/GeoSphere or model-based estimates of the so-called snow-water equivalent

OMNISEC::Core Facility Biomolecular & Cellular Analysis::BOKU Core Facilities::BOKU

reference fluid and a sample fluid. The analysis is based on the deflection principle of refractometry where [...] relation to the reference cell. The diode-array based UV/Vis spectrometer records the absorbance of a

Generation and characterization of artificial archaeal cell envelope structures and their relevance as model membrane platforms::Institute of Synthetic Bioarchitectures::Department of Bionanosciences (DBNS)::BOKU

re-construction of archaeal cell envelope structures based on their fundamental building principles and intrinsic [...] longevity of biomimetic synthetic bioarchitectures based on S‑layer proteins (SLPs). However, archaeal SLPs [...] 3390/genes9020089. Schuster, B. 2018. S-layer protein-based biosensors. Biosensors 8: 40. DOI:10.3390/bios8020040

RAISE::Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (IWA)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

was further developed. The evaluation, which is based on the Hydromorphological Evaluation Tool (HYMET [...] events (this is also relevant for the Danube). Based on a flood event in October 2018, an attempt was [...] corresponding event (2018: approx. 20,000 tons). Based on the knowledge gained through process analysis


as interdisciplinary ecohydrological approaches based on a combined high resolution observational, ex [...] Pollution Control. His research focus is on nature-based solutions (NBS) and resources-oriented sanitation [...] of climate and socio-economic change; protocol-based, participatory scenario development to describe

Course list::Study services::BOKU

and water bioengineering in the context of nature based solutions 874310 PR Practial course to soil bio [...] compulsory courses 853325 VO Planning for nature based tourism 853319 VS Applied leisure and recreation [...] Recreation in riverine landscapes 819309 VU Computer based river modelling 811332 VU Water resources management

BOKUvote::E-Learning and Didactics::Teaching and Learning Services::BOKU

Starting in 2013W, BOKUvote has been a software-based Personal Response System for educators that uses

Presentations::Institute of Geomatics::Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences::BOKU

D. Tiede, Ch. Hoffmann Process oriented object-based algorithms for single tree detection using laser [...] using LiDAR Ch. Straub et al. Standwise delineation based on 3-D information from Lidar A. Barilotti et al

Courses::Institute of Wildlife Biology and Game Management (IWJ)::Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (DIBB)::BOKU

832311 VX Wildlife-based conflicts and their management 1.5 832311 VX 1.5 Wildlife-based conflicts and their

Recycling::Institute of Natural Materials Technology::Department of Agrobiotechnology, IFA-Tulln::BOKU

The main part of cellulose-based residues, which are still thermally utilised, can be used as mechanical [...] different plastics after appropriate preparation. Based on long lasting experience in recycling and the

Contact::Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer::BOKU

michaela.amstoetter-visotschnig(at) BOKU:BASE Research & IP Expert Spin-offs and Start-up Ideas [...] 47654 33074 mail: manuel.orasch(at) BOKU:BASE Research & IP Spin-off Coach Advisory BOKU Start-up

Team::Institute of Analytical Chemistry (DCH/AC)::Department of Chemistry (DCH)::BOKU

Research topics: ion mobility-mass spectrometry, LC-MS based metabolomics, separation sciences Technicians Oksana

19.01.2023 - Forests know no borders: New early warning platform for transnational forest risk management::Stabsstelle Öffentlichkeitsarbeit::Staff units::Rectorate::BOKU

the project team have now re-evaluated these data bases, discussed the state of knowledge on different [...] r of the FORRISK project on the Austrian side. Based on an intensive cross-border exchange of information [...] deputy head of the Institute of Geomatics, GIS-based approaches can also provide valuable support in

CD-SED::Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and River Research (IWA)::Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)::BOKU

alpine regions and industrialised river catchments. Based on the determination of the state-of-the-art engineering [...] enable an improved process understanding. Moreover, based on the development or adaptation of hydrodynami [...] e sediment management in industrialised rivers based on (i) advanced process understanding, (ii) env

Research::Department of Food Science and Technology (DLWT)::BOKU

Development Goals (SDGs). As the use of animal-based ingredients and foods contributes to global env [...] sources to alternative protein sources such as plant-based or precision fermented proteins. Precision fermentation

Academics | Teaching::Institute of Viticulture and Pomology::Department of Crop Sciences (DNW)::BOKU

weiter zurück Our research based teaching approaches topics with the main question: “why?” and aims to [...] to develop valid answers based on scientific criteria. Today, facing new and complex challenges, it does

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