Issue 30
Issue 30
Wood Innovation:
From Knowledge to Innovation
Schweighofer Students Workshop 2015
Alfred Teischinger (Ed.) with article of
Michael Böcher, Thomas Demschner, David Frick, Max Krott,
Ulrich Müller, Alfred Teischinger and participating students
8 articles 42 pages (size B5) Text: in English language
Year of publication: 2015 Price á € 23,-- (plus mailing costs)
Contents The current issue summarizes the students program on innovation in the wood industries along the Schweighofer Prize Award 2015. The Schweighofer Private Foundation and Canfor Corporation sponsored a group of students from USA, Canada and Europe for participating in an innovation workshop and the glamorous Prize Award Ceremony in the City Hall of Vienna. Today´s students in the forest-based sector should get in touch with innovation strategies for tomorrow. Read more about the discussions in the workshop and the innovative ideas of the winners of the Schweighofer Prize.