
Edelbauer::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

detected only in the depth section from 0-2.5 cm. Based on the analytically determined change in the selenium

Aufhammer4::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

structure and disease and lodging levels were measured. Based on actual marketing situations money gross profits

Zollitsch::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

oil should not be incorporated especially in corn-based rations. Key words: pig fattening, soya-expeller

Prevero (login)::Controlling::BOKU

nding". It is a software that enables database-based commercial project planning. The costs for (contract)

Role of zearalenone::Department of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology (DAGZ)::BOKU

expansion (Werner 2007, Werner et al. in preparation). Based on these promising results, the SFB-project aims

Aufhammer 3::University Library and University Archive (UB)::BOKU

the calculation of the autoamylolytic quotient. Based on grain yields (dt/ha) bioethanol yields (I/ha)

ICBS aims::Institute of Colloid and Biointerface Science (ICBS)::Department of Bionanosciences (DBNS)::BOKU

the idea that teaching at a university should be based on the expertise of its researchers. We therefore [...] the BOKU, we see our role as providing a model-based understanding that benefits alternative and innovative

Individual-level Environmental Sustainability – Integrating Perspectives and Concepts across Research Fields::BOKU

and thereby makes up for 60% of the consumption based GHG emissions (Hertwich et al., 2015). Consequentially [...] qualitative consumer survey with an embedded choice-based-conjoint experiment was conducted in the local food

Searched for Base. Displaying results 1061 to 1080 of 2694.