scientific papers
Determination of discarded food and proposals for a minimisation of food wastage in Germany.
The study was conducted by ABF-BOKU on behalf of the Federal German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) in cooperation with the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management at University Stuttgart.
An english version of the summary report is available on the website of the German ministry. June 2011 - February 2012
- Causes of food waste generation in households - an empirical analysis
Master thesis. Glanz Robert, 2009 - Assessment of food losses in organic vegetable farming
Master thesis, Franz Aunkofer, 2015.
This thesis was supervised in cooperation with Prof. Friedel from BOKU Institute of organic farming. An abstract in english is available here. - Food loss in Austrian Food retail
In the course of the ECR-working group "waste management" (german only) a study was conducted to survey the annual food loos in Austrian retail based on all food products and all corresponding outlets of the participating retail companies. ABF-BOKU analysed the data provided by the cooperation partners from retail and conducted also an extrapolation for the Austrian retailing branch. The study represents a rare joint action of the Austrian retail which is internationally unique. We would like to thank all cooperation partners for their valuable participation and the fruitful teamwork! The published report also includes an english abstract. - Losses of fruits and vegetables in Austrian agriculture
In cooperation with the sustainability team of GLOBAL 2000 ABF-BOKU conducted an exploratory study related to losses of fruits and vegetables in Austrian agriculture on behalf of the Ministry of agriculture and forestry, environment and water management. Aim was to survey the losses corresponding to several products from field to marketing to retail, reasons for the losses and already implemented prevention measures. - Evaluation of workshops targeting prevention of food waste
The study was funded by Altstoff Recycling Austria AG (ARA). The workshops were developed and conducted in the course of the information campagne essensWert by Ernährungsinstitut KinderLeicht in several administrative regions in Bavaria in spring 2014. The workshops were funded by the Bavarian Ministry for nutrition, agriculture and forestry. Aim of ABF-BOKU was to conducet an independent evaluation of the workshops to assess the effect of the workshops on the participants. In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Tyrol also a comparison group was surveyed. The report is available using the link in the headline and also includes an english summary. - A reviewpaper written by Felicitas Schneider was published under the title "Review of food waste prevention on an international level" in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Waste and Resource Managment 166, November 2013 Issue WR4, p 187-203. The paper can be found here, the whole journal can be found here.